Example sentences of "serious [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If there is any doubt as to whether the proposed offer is serious the Panel should be consulted .
2 Where the breach is caused by inadvertent default the more serious the type of breach covered by the clause , the less likely it is to be reasonable .
3 The more serious the decision , the greater the capacity required .
4 This follows close on the heels of a report published by the RSPB last year , Death by Design , which outlined just how serious the problem had become .
5 Injuries , pulls and strains can be swiftly attended to at Feethams where Nigel can perform a speedy diagnosis to decide how serious the problem is .
6 The sample list of libraries at the end shows how serious the phenomenon is and forestalls criticism of the kind I have already heard : ‘ The situation is wildly exaggerated .
7 The war was so far away and I suppose it was only in later years we learned how serious the threat was .
8 I would like readers to know just how serious the threat from opencast mining is , what it could mean to the landscape , nature and communities of the Gwendraeth , and what they can do to help prevent it .
9 Ibrahim al-Sanusi then spoke : the more serious the offence , the more difficult to make peace , the greater the compensation had to be ; it was important to know the offence .
10 Interestingly , the disparities appeared to be greater the less serious the offence , which may have something to do with the virtual absence of Court of Appeal guidance in respect of less serious offence types , which we remarked on above .
11 In Canada and New South Wales , the emphasis of the schemes is on violence , so that , broadly speaking , the more it is used or threatened , the more serious the offence becomes .
12 The first consideration , I think , is how serious the offence is and there will be some offences which are so serious that custody may be the only proper sentence .
13 Much more controversy has been generated by the question of whether a mistake also qualifies as a reason , and , more particularly , how serious the mistake has to be .
14 The police had realised how serious the incident could be , and managed to find Robert before he was physically harmed .
15 The more serious the incident , the more likely it is that a judge 's professional neutrality and independence , as well as his legal training in taking evidence and establishing the facts , will be sought to command public confidence .
16 As a doctor he knows how serious the disease is .
17 It is a fact that the more serious the crime , and the more awful the act , the more costly the nature of reconciliation .
18 The programme showed really well how serious the crime levels were becoming , when a man explained that houses were completely stripped of anything of any value by adults and children alike , to sell as scrap .
19 The more serious the violation by the police and the less serious the charge the more likely it is that the evidence will be inadmissible , though there are occasions in Scotland where crucial evidence has been struck out in serious cases which include murder .
20 The more serious the violation by the police and the less serious the charge the more likely it is that the evidence will be inadmissible , though there are occasions in Scotland where crucial evidence has been struck out in serious cases which include murder .
21 Why , if there was anything serious the matter with you , Martha , should n't I be in constant attendance upon you ? ’
22 Whatever the applicant 's interest , the more serious the illegality , the more likely that interest is to be sufficient .
23 Overall , it seems that over two-thirds of the people are positive about the experiment , although this is , of course , dependent on how serious the situation was before .
24 Labour said Mr Major 's decision was ‘ a public admission of how serious the situation has become ’ .
25 ‘ It is very difficult to get people to realise how serious the situation is , ’ he added .
26 The King afterwards explained his sudden decision in a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury ‘ When I realized how serious the situation both political and financial had become , I felt that it was necessary for me to be in close touch with my Prime Minister and of course he could n't come here . ’
27 Telling Joffre how serious the situation had now become , de Castelnau requested authorisation to go to Verdun himself , armed with plenipotentiary powers , to take whatever measures he felt necessary .
28 Small cracks can be repaired with a leak sealant put into the feed-and-expansion cistern or with epoxy resin filler after draining down , but if damage is serious the radiator will have to be replaced ( page 150 ) .
29 It can be used to check how serious the inquiry is and to arrange a personal visit should the inquiry prove to have potential .
30 Ngugi said he had never taken drugs and did not know how serious the refusal was until he was barred from the meeting .
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