Example sentences of "resources [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 But one has greater resources of time … and contact with more people of all walks of life and those in the movement too .
2 Within the more immediate sphere of a teacher 's own school , there are also demands to be met , sought or resisted ; resources of time , material , money and responsibility to be fought for .
3 By combining these two exercises , teachers are in a much better position to be able to say to the demanders , whether parents , government or somewhere in between : ‘ Given the resources of time , material , support and expertise , we are able to do A , B and C or C , D and E , but not A , B and E , let alone all five .
4 [ … ] By mid-1959 , other pressure groups external to the schools , in the form of an alliance of university mathematicians , representing mainly the applied segment of the subject , and employers of graduate labour had also invested some of their considerable resources of time , money and status into conveying to teachers from the selective sector ( who prepared their students and employees ) their ‘ requirements ’ of the school curriculum .
5 Data from a questionnaire sent to teachers in the project 's associated schools are then used in a discussion of practical issues relating to the adequacy of resources of time and staffing needed to develop and operate a graduated test scheme .
6 Without doubt they occupied enormous resources of time , energy and funds for prosecutors and defendants alike .
7 Since considerable resources of time are needed to input a large corpus successfully , textual processing by computer is impracticable for many researchers working on tight budgets .
8 Effective heads have realistic but challenging expectations of the degree and rate of change that are manageable by staff ; involve their colleagues in school-wide curricular planning and decision-making ; delegate genuine responsibilities to subject co-ordinators ; see staff development as one of their major responsibilities ; and target resources of time , materials and personnel to areas of agreed priority .
9 the value of n is limited by resources of time , money or experimental material .
10 Finally , to return to where we began , you may wonder whether the resources in time , effort , and money which will be involved in treating the child can be justified .
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