Example sentences of "economy [is] at " in BNC.

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1 I rehearse these arguments not in an attempt to settle them but for the purpose of casting doubt upon the thesis that the performance of the economy is at the crux of the Government 's difficulties .
2 Sir Alan has in the past written about his deep misgivings over intervention and has recently let it be known in the City that he believes the economy is at last showing signs of pronounced slowdown , a view not fully shared by the Treasury .
3 The decline in output seems to be coming to an end , so the economy is at or near the trough .
4 Since the expected rate of inflation is zero , the appropriate Phillips curve is the original one depicted by A in Fig. 6.4 : the economy is at point D where NUP is the natural unemployment percentage .
5 It is clear that the Soviet economy is at an impasse , but we have tried to suggest that it is not at the abyss .
6 To say that the UK economy is at a crossroads suggests that it is a time for important decisions to be taken leading to a change in direction .
7 All economies are continually changing , but in saying that the economy is at a crossroads we are dealing with a change in its whole direction .
8 Deindustrialization , on whatever basis it is assessed , has prompted discussion over whether we are now in the midst of a period of major structural change , whether the UK economy is at some kind of turning-point .
9 The fact that the economy is at NAIRU does not imply the absence of involuntary unemployment .
10 This implies that the economy is at less than full employment .
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