Example sentences of "to look [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 To look through one of these windows is instant enchantment , from the piles of golden , buttery croissants to the delightful fruit tarts , mahogany coloured chocolate cakes and delicate mignardises , all pleading to be taken home .
2 You have only to look through one or two stately homes to see what a great difference the architectural details — the cornices , mouldings , hardware on doors and windows , doors themselves — make to a room .
3 The theatre like most other organisations have actually looked for savings and this this trust has had to look for seventy thousand pounds savings .
4 So before you 're about to criticise the Spectrum , ask yourself this question : if I did n't have a computer and I was trying to look for one and I only had enough money for the Spectrum , what would I do ?
5 On that first visit to Iceland we made Lake Mývatn our turning point , but before retracing our route back to Reykjavik and the ferry , we made a detour up the valley of Bárðardalur to look for one of the breeding places of the pink-footed goose .
6 ‘ I 've been far too busy to look for one of those , ’ Rain said .
7 On May 1 a Croat was shot dead in the mainly Serbian village of Brsadin ( near Vukovar ) , and on May 2 shooting began when a group of Croatian policemen entered Borovo Selo near Vukovar to look for three missing colleagues .
8 Women tend to look for three to four things , your shoes , your fingernails , ties and socks , okay so make sure you look the part .
9 Of course one would n't change places with that poor old thing even if one had to look after fifteen small boys and a loony or so thrown in !
10 It left Mrs Adams to look after four children aged from 9 years to just 10 months .
11 I 'm looking for someone to look after nine month old for about two/three days per week .
12 One litter a year is quite enough for my needs , and it is in any case very much better to look after one litter properly — it may number eight or a dozen — than to spread the effort ( and the food available ) through a much larger number .
13 I was even allowed to look after two piglets on my own ; they were very intelligent and affectionate .
14 I have to look after two dear little boys , but these days I can only see them growing up to behave so cruelly towards women .
15 Advert in Ulster paper : ‘ Wanted — man and woman to look after two cows ; both Protestant ’
16 My father protested but , as Mrs Clamp pointed out , it was quite enough to have to look after two invalids in the one house without having an infant needing constant care as well .
17 How do you manage to look after eleven dogs ?
18 On the grimmer side , the national health service , which only weeks ago was apparently closing down vital wards , said this week that it was fully prepared to look after thousands of war casualties .
19 It 's based on the short story by Henry James ; a young Governness arrives at a remote country house to look after 2 young children who turn out to be possessed by the ghosts of two dead servants .
20 Their Lordships also had to look after half-a-dozen Caribbean islands , of which the newest , Jamaica , was much the largest and looked like providing the best prospects for the future .
21 Four companies have already signed up to the scheme , and the Centre has the capacity to look after three or four more — it has already had about 20 applications .
22 Well that was , that was the crew 's job you see cos you used to have , they used to be erm , they used to be the master of the ship , my father , and they would still have a mate , he 's dead and gone and there was myself one side on the starboard side on a winch and we had two men right aft on the after winch and they used to have to look after three chains .
23 One of the first tasks for the trust could be to restore the organ , But with a Governent grant of just £20,000 to look after three other chapels , they 'll have to pull out all the stops to raise the money .
24 Supplied by Ruberoid in 1m lengths , they are machined to look like four traditional square slates , or three hexagonal slates .
25 Their skimpy costumes were decorated with two huge ostrich plumes , attached to their heads , and to their backsides : and she saw that they were harnessed to look like two ponies .
26 So one good reason not to support Norwich is the hefty £52 they charge for you to look like one of their players .
27 It 's supposed to look like one of those cycling hats
28 In 1900 the two senior deacons were appointed to look into three cases of ‘ non attendance to the table ’ and reported back that there were twenty-one cases out of a membership of 109 .
29 People who are concerned to preserve their own well-being , and also to strive to do a better job , need to look in two directions for help : they must look inwards , to gain insight into the dynamics of their own stress ; and they must look outwards , to understand better the social forces that surround them .
30 Yeah and the problem is that that because you have to look in one position it means that that the whole thing becomes boring and and your interest starts to drift .
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