Example sentences of "to look at some " in BNC.

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1 It is advisable to look at some of the types available and try them first .
2 I hesitated for a moment on the stairs , turned round and tried to look at some of them , to see if there was a familiar face , a suspicious or suspecting face , a face I could place , a face that could …
3 I hang around for a bit , pretending to look at some writing on the board .
4 He then went to look at some property left to the council by a benefactor , an old grain warehouse .
5 Now I want to look at some properties .
6 A new relationship has begun , with the most momentous consequences for life , and we are going to look at some of those consequences soon .
7 Thus book is an attempt to look at some of the things that go on when people face a loss of someone or something significant in their lives .
8 The hearings provide an invaluable snapshot of the state of the arguments about nuclear power as the 1990s open and I shall return to look at some of these , especially where new information came to light .
9 The easiest way to understand the nature and extent of this type of crime is to look at some examples of the effect of specific corporate crimes .
10 So , although we may wish that the monster would stop sprouting new heads , it is entertaining to look at some of the blind alleys of the past , most of which were investigated quite seriously at the time .
11 A knowledge of feng shui enables us to look at some of the ancient sites elsewhere in the world in a new light .
12 Now that we have laid a foundation of general Christian concepts involved in marriage , it may be good to look at some of the specific expectations each of you , as prospective marriage partners , have for your marriage , your marriage partner and the way you intend to function in that marriage .
13 Space allows us only to look at some of the most significant of these developments here .
14 Wanted to look at some shop or other — you know what women are .
15 They disappeared for hours to look at some rare book and Lionel insisted on seeing me home . ’
16 In the second part we begin to look at some of the arguments which have been developed about the possible effects of new technology on the kinds of jobs available in the future .
17 I do not intend to run through the general principles involved again , but rather to look at some of the details involved .
18 The purpose of this chapter is to look at some of the parables found in these four sources .
19 It is important first of all , however , to look at some questions regarding the approach to this subject .
20 Since the conventions offer an imperfect guide to the subject at hand , it is necessary to look at some of the other types of sources which are generally recognised as being useful in establishing what the law is , and in relating it to specific situations and technical developments .
21 When reviewing your own goals for the future , it might be useful to look at some of the positive aspects of nursing as a career , to see whether you still identify with them .
22 I now wish to look at some Chewong words that pertain to inner states and relate these to ideas of what it means to be human .
23 After luncheon we went to look at some watercolours in which she is interested at Agnew 's , in Bond Street .
24 Having explored at some length the categorisation and determinants of inter-country bargaining structures it is also necessary to look at some of the implications of these structures for the conduct of industrial relations .
25 I want now to look at some of these images of the female self in feminist discourse : my particular examples are from the work of Mary Daly , Marilyn Frye and Kate Millett .
26 I want now to look at some aspects of self-experience that I think should be central to any theory of self , and hence to any discussion of women 's autonomy .
27 As soon as he had any money he spent it on going to Central America or Thailand by the cheapest possible means to look at some new underground .
28 It will be useful in conclusion to look at some incidents which illuminate the way in which symbolism operates in the religion .
29 For a confirmation of this , you only have to look at some of Turner 's paintings of the Dales and compare them with the reality to see how much poetic licence has been taken for the sake of the " phantasmagoric " .
30 Let's start the structural isomers , and we can use this as an opportunity to look at some aspects of the .
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