Example sentences of "to look at [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the other the other things that we will erm be taking responsibility for is , is something called the Front Line Review which I want to come back too , because it 's something that will interest you as a group erm , but that 's basically again a Council learn initiative , where the Council 's want to look at over the next month all of the front line services we provide , the , the services that you come into contact with on a day to day erm level and look at , you know , are we providing a service as you want , are we providing them efficiently , how would you like to see them better provided .
2 So but nevertheless we will look at a little bit at those peripheral things , but we 're going to concentrate mainly on the design and on the delivery of a presentation so that 's what we want to what we want to look at over the next two days .
3 It is a useful first example for us to look at for it seems so simple — and yet even in something as straightforward as this , the structure can be adjusted in quite a sophisticated way .
4 A plaque on a wall is admittedly not much to look at for those with a passion for working machinery and dramatic industrial landscapes , but this one marks the site of the foundation of that industry which has had a greater impact on civilization than any other .
5 Then I switched the dim hall light on , and experienced again the initial impact of the tobacco wallpaper and chocolate paint , the threadbare linoleum , the high gloomy ceilings that you were reluctant to look at for fear you should see bats hanging there .
6 But there are , we 've got , I 've got three books for you to , to look at for you to do with your project and I might try and find you one or two sentences and references .
7 ‘ Mr Nichol has a lot of knowledge in the fields of mental health and this is one area we have wanted to look at for a while . ’
8 That 's probably all we would want to look at for the time being .
9 Last year , you know , totally rat-arsed. now , he 's putting up a list of all the poems he wants us to look at for next week .
10 This is a steep climb , but there are several things to look at on the way — plenty of excuses to stop and catch your breath !
11 ‘ Aye , ’ I nodded slowly , hoping to content her with this , then looked away and up to one side as though I had just found something very interesting and important to look at on the ceiling .
12 Otherwise you could have seen the garden , although there 's not much to look at at this time of the year . ’
13 I mean the furore about actually leasing trains has taken several years to develop erm And you just have to look at at the moment now and he does n't know if he 's sinking or swimming basically .
14 You might have ageing parents who you support and god knows how much other outgoings which are hidden and then you have to go down that road and say that you 're going to look at at financial status you 're going to have to say and exactly what are all of your outgoings in and now down going to get real unpleasant intrusion into people 's business .
15 And erm I think it 's erm an , an issue for us to look at as a management team , whether we actually give it an even , even greater weighting
16 The patterns in the hewn rock were evocative , thin traceries of crystal , she imagined , beautiful whorls and arches , as fine to look at as the fine lines on a mother 's face .
17 If you find in the longer run that the process of " being in love " stops you functioning properly ( i.e. getting your college work done ) that too is something you might need to look at with some skilled help ( i.e. a skilled counsellor ) .
18 Not only is he fun to look at with his bright colours , he 's very durable too and more than able to withstand the very worst kind of punishment little ones are capable of dishing out !
19 Right , so that 's all we want to look at with regards learning styles I think the key thing to remember is that we must n't fall into the trap , because it 's our learning style if we actually put together our training which reflects our style .
20 There are plenty of other things to look at besides your precious orchids .
21 I hope that on that basis , first of all , that you agree with the views that we expressed in anticipation of your view , and secondly , erm , that we really do need to look at through you , these sort of aspects of pension management on behalf of the County Council .
22 I like a picture to be fairly full as if it is too empty it can become boring to look at after a few months , but it is very easy to get carried away with all your lovely pressed flowers and try to fit them all into one picture — using too many flowers looks just as bad as not using enough .
23 I was n't saving up to get married , I was n't very interested in jewellery , and clothes , which I could have been interested in , came under the category of things to look at in shop windows but not to buy , because of the very limited amount of clothing coupons one was allowed to have .
24 And so while these things here enable us to leave home , if you like , these things are buzzing round in our head and in marketing these are things we have to look at in order to , we have to be able to make product and then try and assess how will the tourist or potential tourist respond to this .
25 Council elections are something that we need to look at in other areas .
26 Esther can tell him what paintings to look at in New York .
27 There are only three cases which I need to look at in detail , Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 , Reg. v. Morris [ 1984 ] A.C. 320 and Dobson v. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation Plc .
28 In all In in all fairness they 're not in my opinion , not exactly the greatest thing to look at in the country are they ?
29 Keep the data on flashcards and put in your pocket to look at in spare moments .
30 And I think that it is it would be a mistake to look at in terms of a certain set
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