Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So the clarity and vibrancy bestowed by the immanence of the Life Force during a Sat yuga declines , giving way to ages of progressively lower consciousness , until we reach the Kal yuga , where we find ourselves today .
2 It is clear that , if the Labour party were elected , the position in which we find ourselves today would become dramatically worse .
3 And , rightly or wrongly , we Welsh find ourselves completely absolved — in the eyes of the people , if not in that of officialdom .
4 But this merely brings back the idea of particulars as distinct from qualities or ( mere ) configurations of qualities , and we find ourselves up against the very difficulties the theory was trying to eliminate .
5 In common with so much of this history of respectable fears , we find ourselves once more in the realm of feeling rather than fact , for although Baden-Powell never tired of claiming that Scouting could reach the Hooligans , on the available evidence it would seem that the movement 's major recruiting base was among middle-class and lower middle-class youths , rather than among slum youth .
6 We find ourselves once again in another time and country .
7 We find ourselves less able to think dearly as the oxygen intake diminishes and our panic therefore becomes greater .
8 This brings us to the ‘ Catch 22 ’ situation that we , as designer , find ourselves in with regard to conservation bodies .
9 This is true in the same way that our ideal of what God can do in our lives is counterpoised by the actual human condition we find ourselves in .
10 We tend to have a life of total acceptance of the present situation we find ourselves in , immovable precepts often imposed either by our own programming , the weight of tradition or our own fears of change .
11 We learn language in order to manage our affairs in the world we find ourselves in .
12 Of course , in retrospect , the decision to close down Ryde and Sandown and the cost of the new offices turned out to be a major contributory factor to the problems that we now find ourselves in .
13 Reverting to the situation we find ourselves in at this moment , there are four facts that can be regarded as certainties or near-certainties .
14 In spite of the situation we find ourselves in , maybe hydrogen bombs are n't the biggest cause for concern .
15 Many of the routine social situations we find ourselves in are clearly rule-governed , but it is often extremely difficult to specify exactly what the rules are or what are the potential breaches of the rules .
16 Indeed , those who recall the account of knowledge developed in the second section of this book may feel that there are definite similarities between the epistemology underlying the formation of the German universities and the epistemological position we find ourselves in today .
17 Good drama is very much about dealing with the mess we find ourselves in , not calling up some outside agency to solve all our problems .
18 What am I saying as we sit here talking about this rather strange difficulty that we find ourselves in ?
19 Even in the situation that we find ourselves in with the Maxwell Pension situation , where we find that the the erm Trust Law did n't prevent the things from happening which did happen .
20 Now , our visual arts policy could be summed up as follows : It 's our main concern to bring about a social financial climate more conducive to the health of the visual arts than that which we find ourselves in at present .
21 ‘ Blimey , ’ he says , as we find ourselves still sitting outside the Hilton after 20 minutes .
22 If Labour can not stake its claim to be the future government , it may be by-passed by events and find itself back in the wilderness .
23 Tonight , I find myself here in a guest house in the city of Salisbury .
24 I find myself here and now — at my hotel window , the road below crowded with traffic , the fish market gone until tomorrow , the winter sun lighting the exercise book in which I 'm writing these events of nearly three years past — wanting to put down my pen , lean back and wonder at my arrogance , such stubborn obtuseness .
25 Having been a subscriber from your first issue , I find myself already amazed at how often I refer to my various back numbers .
26 However , I was not familiar with his Debussy playing and I find myself keenly interested in these five discs recorded in 1991 .
27 The classes are not large and I find myself not too bad and rated as ‘ senior ’ by the Sadler 's Wells gods .
28 Me , I find myself steadily drifting back to the unfashionable conviction that radical meanings are betrayed by conventional forms ; that if melodies , key changes , and vocal cadences follow expected paths they can only reinforce commonsense perceptions .
29 I find myself rather like the old shell man having to look both ways at once , because part of my division is is town and part of it is country and they have very different views about the by-pass erm
30 I find myself effectively disenfranchised by the Post Office .
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