Example sentences of "find [pers pn] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Naw , if I find 't is a good day , I resalve to take a turn in the Park , and see the fine women ; so huddle on my clothes , and get dressed by one .
2 I storm across the board and topple his bishop or something , then turn round and find he 's closed the back door .
3 But I think that he I find he 's
4 Most of the time I find it 's regret on the part of the victim .
5 ‘ Whenever I do play with any kind of distortion , if I go and sit in with somebody , I find it 's so easy .
6 The level seems okay , and pressing ‘ volume ’ I find it 's set to 17 , so I 'll leave it there .
7 I find it 's this flexibility that I use most .
8 ‘ All right , so you 're only a child , and so you find it 's just one more thing .
9 It 's happening now , it 's always progressing and it 's always going on and you 're never going to reach an end point , you 're never going to reach a final point , whereas with something like history , I find it 's interesting , but you 're always going over and analysing what 's happened , it 's that much more backward looking , whereas science applied has got more constructive .
10 Indeed , in most we find it 's atrophied .
11 So I hope I 've not complicated that I I always find it 's helpful to say this about this speaker this because no other speaker no speaker is here with a .
12 And if we find it 's a , it 's , it 's er an effective system I think we should then do it for bridges
13 And we find it 's a warm friendly area which er a a poss possibly a bigger , more higher paced environment would n't get .
14 ‘ I find it 's so small , ’ said the woman .
15 That 's the important phrase , and if you find it 's easier to keep it mobile if you 've taken some paracetamol or aspirin , then by all means do that .
16 If you 've set your heart on some specific feature — say , white carpet — and find it 's not feasible or practical or that it 's too expensive , then look sensibly at the alternatives and find a less impossible compromise .
17 Try to make time to put your feet up and switch off but do n't be grouchy if you find it 's all work and no play !
18 But in fact , if you look through bibliographies and citations in the literature , you find it 's hardly ever cited , and when it is cited , people seldom if ever , seemed to refer to what Freud er says in it , let alone take any notice of it .
19 ‘ I was hoping for platinum-blonde , or red , but now it 's dry I find it 's plain old mouse . ’
20 and gradually you can go through it again and sort of fit the references in and , you know , so gradually , and then , then you find it 's too big and then you sort of go through it again and try and knock some stuff out so
21 If you have tried to change the way you drink and find it 's just too difficult , do n't give up .
22 We find it 's simpler to go to Stockton and get parked .
23 Put three in , find it 's cube root and then find one over that .
24 And tha well lots of people go and have blood pressure taken , they find it 's high , and they
25 Have you , have you ever seen the expression on a man 's face when he takes the out , do a crap , stand up and find it 's not there ?
26 I find it 's very difficult in these ovens to , you know a normal oven you could sort of put things to the bottom that you 've already done .
27 find it 's a real
28 I find it 's , .
29 I find it 's dangerous to be driving your car backwards and forwards across the back door in n it ?
30 they presume it 's their right and just go through , generally find it 's someone with either a high powered car or a flash , you know , sort of , Granada or summat like that .
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