Example sentences of "believe [that] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As the hon. Gentleman will know , we believe that frontiers should not be changed , save with the wholehearted consent of all the relevant parties .
2 Scientists believe that molecules of an odorous substance meeting the membranes of specialised olfactory cells somehow trigger electrical signals to the brain , and this is the foundation of smell perception .
3 I still believe that writers write out of love .
4 I believe that scientists would warmly welcome the development of new strategies that would address many of the problems that are in danger of causing major damage to the scientific base in Ireland .
5 And there are people who sincerely believe that rules exist .
6 The Albanians feel the CSCE has been hoodwinked , and believe that guns are being dug in around the city .
7 Unidroit , for example , goes to considerable trouble , by means of consultations with representative international organizations and by questionnaires to specialists and to governments which in turn consult their national organizations , to establish that those practising in the field in question believe that differences in national laws create a problem and that harmonization would bring benefits .
8 I shall refer to those who believe that differences in attainment appear during adolescence as the A group , and those who argue that these differences are evident during ( or at least by the end of ) the primary years as the P group .
9 Meanwhile , we give notice that we mean to bring the individual actors back from the wings later , because we believe that states and systems do not account for everything important in international relations .
10 Erm , that is why I I b , that is why I 'm against the amendment , I believe that decisions have been made .
11 I still believe that reforms in working practices and hours of sitting are essential to improve our ability to serve our constituents and our effectiveness as a legislature .
12 Moreover , while Phizacklea and Miles believe that changes in the material circumstances of the working class can provide only a partial solution to the problem of racist ideologies , the political project of the transformation of capitalism and working-class conditions advocated by Hatcher and Shall ice ( and other left antiracists in education ) squeezes out of consideration the rather important caveat entered by Phizacklea and Miles about the prospects for change in racist ideologies as a result of changes in the material base .
13 Specifically , we believe that changes to the Framework and Implementing Regulations are required in the following areas :
14 So , I have to say , that er , I believe that companies which erm , find it easy to change , are of course , changing .
15 Most of us believe that accidents always happen to someone else , which I suppose is how we are able to go about our everyday lives .
16 We believe that accounts , like actions , are manifestations of individual systems of knowledge and belief about the social world and the actions proper to develop and sustain it .
17 Four out of 10 shoppers believe that supermarkets selling " environment-friendly " products do so to exploit the market and not out of a genuine concern to protect the earth , according to Mintel. 10 per cent of respondents in the Mintel survey believed that companies were hiding behind a green " front " , and those who went out of their way to buy green products did so " in spite of corporate public relations efforts " .
18 Because everyone realises that all research is flawed , not attaining a quota of bon mots might be construed as a sign of inexpertise or even worse , weakness , Then , too , there are those who believe that catcalls truly pass for constructive criticism .
19 I believe that campaigns should be at least 70 per cent positive for your side and no more than 30 per cent knocking your opponents .
20 We believe that farmers should take an increased interest now in these matters because the erm general public are concerned about the rising instance of pollution and I think that farmers owe it to the remainder of the community to come to places like Muck '89 and see for themselves exactly what new machinery is available to combat pollution .
21 And , if like me you believe that dreams come true , you should hang on to them .
22 If terrorists believe that incidents like this morning 's will deflect our policy on Northern Ireland , they are mistaken .
23 Conversations with Afro-Caribbean pupils suggest that , like the Afro-Caribbean pupils at school A , they believe that teachers held low academic expectations of their performance .
24 Both the bipartisan commission and INS officials believe that sanctions on employers could be strengthened with , in the commission 's words , a ‘ fraud-proof work-authorisation document ’ .
25 Much has been done in recent months to draw those matters to the attention of the Department and , as I said , I believe that Ministers have been listening .
26 They believe that women are well aware of the power of their sexual attractiveness as well as their power of refusal , but it 's something that they accept cheerfully enough .
27 Midlands men also believe that women want tenderness rather than dominance , and a man who treats women as equals .
28 They believe that women are more interested in stamina and ambition , and rate themselves as ambitious but not fun-loving .
29 Men as a rule are very selfish and still believe that women are born to serve them .
30 If you believe that women , and not planners , should be the people to decide on the size of families they have , then this is the book for you .
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