Example sentences of "look at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I shall look at breakwaters and groins with renewed interest , David .
2 Then I went through the samples in my kitchen and realised that , rather than look at the non-mainstream areas , I could look at wines from perfectly accepted areas that broke the usual conventions ; or in one brilliant example , I could see what great traditional winemakers — in this case a pair of Burgundian grandees — could do when they decided to rough it a bit in France 's far south .
3 So the shape of those things can be very important and , if we 're going to look at those , y'know look at communication within an organisational structure we can think about communication that goes up from the bottom of the organisational structure to the top , we can look at communication that goes down , from the top of the organisation downwards and we can look at communication that goes across , okay ?
4 So the shape of those things can be very important and , if we 're going to look at those , y'know look at communication within an organisational structure we can think about communication that goes up from the bottom of the organisational structure to the top , we can look at communication that goes down , from the top of the organisation downwards and we can look at communication that goes across , okay ?
5 But she did look at Gilbert when they arrived at school .
6 We 're gon na look at psychology and what they had to say about , or the school had to say about perception .
7 The project will also examine the responses of these two groups to heterosexual relationships and their roles in relationships and will look at responses to feminism and other challenges to the traditional conceptions of women 's and men 's different social positions .
8 Sage is currently re-vamping the online help system to make it context sensitive , and I 'm hoping that they 'll also look at idiot proofing and the application of the Windows interface .
9 Training schemes should look at skills existing among women in the area and see how these could be developed and upgraded .
10 And I think what Paul wants to spend that on is bringing erm in some external consultant to actually look at models for the future , how to develop our current partnership model
11 It did not look at rape as a social problem nor did it have regard to the difficulties which rape poses for the criminal justice system .
12 It might be thought that one could look at lung cancer death rates among groups of people ( e.g. Mormons , Seventh Day Adventists ) who never smoke .
13 No one else could look at things the straightforward way that Rachel looked at things .
14 ‘ There 's lots of different angles you can look at things from .
15 In the transcendent world , there are new laws and men must discard their habitual ideas of what is right and what is wrong ; in fact to see the utmost beauty we must look at things with the eyes of a child .
16 We must look at things in a new way , and from the wrong angle so that they are distorted and transformed .
17 I can look at things straight and put things across straight — I 'm not here to be liked .
18 Wales rugby is supposed to be resurgent , so they had better look at things off the pitch as well as on it . ’
19 Though we can not look at things from all points of view at once , we can at least learn not to pretend that we are doing so .
20 and we are hopefully turning out some of those generalists , people who can look at things not just from the physics angle , or from the chemistry angle , but can cope with things from both .
21 Suddenly he cut me short and took me round the room and made me look at things .
22 Some are n't strong on language and need time to just look at things , like a fish , without words . ’
23 " Yes , there is , " Martha replied , with a firmness which she could hardly have inherited either from her father or her mother , " but there 's no reason why we should n't go and look at things .
24 part of it , have a look at it , Sandra , if you pa if you pass it onto each other and then just say that I think that 's worth getting cos we do have the money now er to start and look at things like that .
25 ‘ It tends to make you look at things from a whole new perspective , do n't you think ? ’
26 Although she did not look at Jake , she could feel he was watching her and that he knew what had stopped her dead in her tracks .
27 Over the next few months he and IBM 's board will look at IBM with ‘ a no-holds barred ’ approach .
28 Over the next few months he and IBM 's board will look at IBM with ‘ a no-holds barred ’ approach .
29 The rule is firmly established that we may not look at Hansard and in general I agree with it , for reasons which I gave last year in Beswick v. Beswick .
30 For the reasons I have given , as a matter of pure law this House should look at Hansard and give effect to the Parliamentary intention it discloses in deciding the appeal .
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