Example sentences of "set [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Each group of headlines , furthermore , ‘ consists of two sets , one for the outer forme [ the forme containing the two pages which would end up outermost when the sheet was folded — ppa/8 , 9/16 and so on ] and another for the inner , and the various headlines in each set appear in the same sequence whenever used ’ ( p.300 ) .
2 Theseus slew the Minotaur and with Ariadne set sail for home , stopping at Naxos , where , after a night of love , he slipped away at dawn without her .
3 The Jones family set sail for a new life .
4 The only commando casualty before the Force set sail for an uneventful passage home , was an officer accidentally shot in the foot .
5 In my case it was also different , for though I had done no criminal act I had by force of circumstance set sail for Koraloona to build a new life there .
6 The theme , incidentally , The Age of Discovery , could not be more apt for the city from which Columbus set sail for the Americas 500 years ago .
7 It 's five hundred years since Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World , but the new ROSE is another achievement not to be sniffed at … because it has stripes .
8 William of Jumièges , elaborated by William of Poitiers , reports that Edward set sail with forty ships , crossed to Southampton , defeated a large English force , and returned to Normandy after realising that he needed more men to obtain the kingdom .
9 Liz and the rest of the crew set sail at the weekend … it 'll be January 93 and seven thousand miles away when they land again
10 John and Sebastian Cabot and Martin Frobisher set sail on their pioneering voyages from here .
11 So what really happened the night that Jimmy Johnstone set sail on the seven seas ?
12 In the same year Darwin set sail on the Beagle taking with him Lyell 's " Principles " and read it so much that he had to ask the ship 's carpenter to rebind it in wood .
13 After a brief visit to Kangaroo Island at the mouth of the Gulf of St Vincent , Gould set sail on 19 July on the Katherine Stewart Forbes , bound once again for Hobart .
14 Cook set sail on ships constructed in the old Fishburn shipyard , just at the bottom of Hughie 's front garden .
15 On 4 June 1793 William and Dorothy Carey their four young sons and Dorothy 's sister along with John Thomas set sail from Dover bound for India .
16 On 16 May 1838 John Gould and his party set sail from London in the Parsee .
17 REBEL sea captain Jack Lammiman set sail from Whitby on his greatest journey yet to America but only got as far as Scarborough .
18 What happened in their relationship made a day on a ‘ Carry On ’ set seem to Ken like sitting in the audience at a pantomime .
19 Two sets of access doors , under computer control , are supposed to act as an airlock , with only one set open at any one time , thereby preventing any radioactive leakage .
20 Initially , they play great pop but halfway through the set explode into something far wilder , and the polite applause turns into cheers .
21 Initially , they play great pop but halfway through the set explode into something far wilder , and the polite applause turns into cheers .
22 The High 's record company remixed then re-released their first single Box Set Go to considerable success , even though they were n't exactly bowled over by the idea .
23 The second set belong to a much later date .
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