Example sentences of "use [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is no use me spitting out my dummy , ’ he said , borrowing a a popular Australian phrase .
2 ‘ It 's no use me doing nothing now and wondering why we 've got a problem in March . ’
3 It was no use me dying . ’
4 Conference , I believe that this existing rule nineteen , gives the G M B an opportunity to expand into branch administration officers across all the regions and use them to do any job that is needed and expected by the members .
5 Essays are consumable at A level — use them to feed the skill of writing History .
6 Your army contains troops which are very good in hand-to-hand combat — use them to spearhead your advance .
7 I know your sort Michael , you use them to use people , then you throw them away , so they do n't matter
8 The male hoverfly uses these to keep the tiny female in view as he chases her during courtship , while robberflies use them to track their flying prey .
9 I keep six — red wine , white wine , cider , balsamic , rice and sherry — and use them according to mood and the principal ingredients .
10 Andy has a large input to the design side , having the enjoyment of being able to turn ideas in to reality and then use them to give a financial return .
11 If there are any leftover squares , use them to fill in any gaps .
12 In social life we build personal ‘ constructs ’ ( Kelly 1955 ) and use them to create consistent patterns of relating with others .
13 Use them to create images for brightening up your newsletters , reports , simple diagrams and suchlike .
14 They give both psychological and physiological evidence for the primacy of these notions , and they use them to define object-recognizing routines of increasing power .
15 The pointes The use of pointes as a delicate finishing touch is not always exploited by today 's choreographers , who often use them to display their dancers ' ability to ‘ get up and stay there ’ — come what may !
16 While you maintain involvement in terms of your behaviour , you can think about especially pertinent questions that need answering and use them to clarify or challenge .
17 Advocates of this kind of approach take everyday experiences ( like cooking ) and use them to clarify those words which we use to explain mathematics and to vivify the abstractions which are central to the subject .
18 Well it seemed like the morning of everybody was using it , they use them to cook .
19 She inquired at the trading standards department about the legality of catapults but was told they were sold at fishing tackle shops because anglers use them to hurl their bait into the water .
20 For example , to commemorate a wedding , you could press some of the flowers carried by the bride in her bouquet , and then use them to decorate a sheet of the music played at the wedding .
21 Their tall , shapely helmets are intricately carved and often encrusted in precious gems , for Elves love gemstones and use them to decorate their wargear .
22 For instance , the Pacific islanders use them to decorate the prows of their canoes and Malaysian fishermen attach cowries to their nets .
23 The Theory of Everything ( TOE ) has to combine the four fundamental forces of nature , the strong and weak nuclear forces , electromagnetism and gravity , and use them to explain how the Universe , space and time could come into existence without recourse to divine intervention .
24 Educational indicators across institutions take on even greater importance within this more competitive context as parents use them to choose schools .
25 And they still drag out those photographs I took of the splashes and use them to illustrate lectures on bloodstains .
26 Following the reasoning of Longuet-Higgins and Tyler , we suggest that vertical disparities are best understood as a consequence of perspective viewing from two different vantage points and the results we report here show that the human visual system is able to exploit vertical disparities and use them to scale the perceived depth and size of stereoscopic surfaces , if the field of view is sufficiently large .
27 — as soon as you are drilling basic questions , use them to keep a given conversation item going as long as possible .
28 Information presented in a purely textual fashion is hard to grasp , after all we all think in pictures and often use them to portray our ideas to others .
29 These sets of analysis are based on empirical attitude research , and the agencies that have constructed them use them to advise their clients on how best to design and position existing and new products on target segments made up of people who have similar life-style patterns .
30 Call in and see what terms we 're offering on our different accounts — and use them to gain excellent returns on anything you can manage to save .
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