Example sentences of "giving we [art] " in BNC.

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1 He brings Abraham down to earth with a bump , by giving us a subtle piece of comedy in which he features as something of a country bumpkin and gets , to use unsubtle language for a moment , ‘ right done ’ !
2 ‘ We could say Kylie 's just having fun , being a big kid , giving us a giggle ; but then the grown up Kylie goes and writes a caption to go with the picture , ’ began the psychologist 's summing up .
3 I have a very clear recollection of Nigel de Grey , sometime Lieutenant-Commander in the Naval Intelligence Division during the First World War , giving us a lecture on security which was psychologically scarifying , as indeed it was meant to be .
4 Thankfully the recent revival has generated a new enthusiasm for the use of LM potencies giving us a feeling that , at last , their time has come .
5 They lead us up to where Jesus is enthroned , giving us a broader , more eternal perspective .
6 But the weather deteriorated and the wind increased to around 30 miles-per-hour by the time Jack was out and shot a 76 , giving us a three-stroke advantage over the Bear .
7 as if that was not shocking enough , we later on found Derek giving us a learned address on the provenance and composition of La Bohème .
8 Too often I was asked to bowl defensively , brought into the attack to stop the flood of runs when batsmen were giving us a caning .
9 ‘ He was giving us a bad time , though , till you came in .
10 Perhaps the greatest contribution that fictional novels can make to human rights and changing attitudes is in giving us a timely reminder that all the statistics we 're constantly bombarded with actually constitute human lives , just as valuable as our own .
11 Misha Glenny takes us through the historical background to the war , before giving us a more detailed account of the political manoeuvring and stirring from August 1990 to May 1992 .
12 Talk about giving us a turn when we saw it move !
13 The aircraft had previously been flown in the USA as N190DH until a crash at Sellersburg , Indiana , on September 22 , 1987 , following which it was imported into the UK in 1989 and has only recently completed rebuild in the capable hands of Cliff Lovell , giving us a second airworthy DH.90 alongside Wessex Aviation & Transport 's G–AEDT .
14 Curiously enough , however , these are among the very people who tend to shy away from any kind of subjective description of what being a believer is like , and one frequently finds an empathic researcher who does not believe and may even be unsympathetic giving us a greater insight into what it is like to be a member of a particular religion ( see , for example , Cashmore , 1983 ; Judah , 1974 , Westley , 1983 or Lofland , 1976 ) .
15 Turning south overhead Dunster Castle we climbed through the cloud which had now formed giving us a restful trip home VMC on top .
16 Knowing 1 we use ( 15 ) to evaluate unc giving us a column proportional to x1 .
17 none the less , thank you very much indeed Donald for giving us a very er encouraging talk !
18 The high quality applications which we received , in addition to giving us a wide choice of suitable applicants , gave us incidentally an encouraging snap-shot of the future of the book industry .
19 And the poor owd boy put his hat back on sheepish like and watched the fly zooming about the smithy , giving us a look as the same time .
20 ‘ You , shut up , ’ Blanche cut in firmly , ‘ or I 'll arrest you for wasting police time by giving us a false alibi . ’
21 It might have been difficult for the headmaster of our school to believe that we were late because of a derailment , but fortunately a teacher of theology at the school , Don Cavalli , travelled on the tram every day , and he was able to explain what had happened , giving us a cast-iron alibi .
22 Not giving us a drop .
23 Giving us a consolation prize of a golf ball .
24 In the days of the Bestiary and the Emblem Book , animal pictures had shown the world of Aesop 's fables ; butterflies giving us a symbol of resurrection , and also of feckless enjoyment , in pictures waiting to be decoded .
25 We felt the meeting had been very worthwhile in giving us a better understanding of the way new housing targets were estimated , the relationship between the WO and planning authorities , and the points at which environmental factors were taken into account .
26 Geoff 's giving us a really really positive nod over there and a lot of very very suspicious people round the table , Geoff who do n't agree with you I think .
27 So giving us a total income for the year of about a hundred and twelve thousand pounds .
28 ‘ They hired a sieve analysis company to take the cuttings and analyse the different grain sizes — giving us a much more accurate description of the reservoir than normal at an early stage ’ .
29 ‘ You are not giving us a chance .
30 If he is now giving us a commitment that the reasons for a refusal will be made available to the applicant , that is welcome .
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