Example sentences of "giving [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Alongside his Foxley Wood decision he published new planning guidance which tilted the general balance against giving permission for house-building .
2 4 The Chocolate Girl ( DEACON BLUE ) CBS Records have a problem with giving permission for a video for world sale .
3 In giving permission for diplomats , consuls , or commissioners to take evidence under Articles 15–17 , or in granting measures of compulsion , the competent authority of the State in which the evidence is to be taken may prescribe such conditions as it deems fit , including the time and place of the taking of evidence and the giving of reasonable advance notice of hearing .
4 If as a member you wish to participate would you please write to Convocation Office ( address on back page ) , giving permission for your name and address to be released to enquirers .
5 If , as usually should be the case , the courts of [ England ] decide to return the child to the jurisdiction of the courts of [ Australia ] , the latter courts will be in no way inhibited from giving permission for the child to return to [ England ] or indeed becoming settled there and so subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of that country .
6 If , as usually should be the case , the courts of country B decide to return the child to the jurisdiction of the courts of country A , the latter courts will be in no way inhibited from giving permission for the child to return to country B or indeed becoming settled there and so subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of that country .
7 Thank you for your letter of 2nd February giving permission for the use of the Mill Yard for siting of a rubbish skip .
8 The European Commission has yet to decide whether the government has breached environmental assessment procedures in giving permission for the scheme .
9 Captured , he would be forced into giving credence to the coup .
10 And when she realised that the messenger giving credence to her tale no doubt served the dual purpose of informing Rainald of her presence , Isabel felt wretched indeed .
11 Evandro Linse Silva , for the prosecution , stated that the country wished for the speedy completion of the proceedings and would not benefit from " more spectacular allegations " or from giving credence to " the chief of a crime racket " .
12 Others joined the constant patrolling , giving rise through deliberate and other rumours to the Japanese belief in a steady flow of reinforcements from overseas .
13 MR JUSTICE MILLETT said that the particular question was whether a decision of a commons commissioner that certain land was not registrable as common land because it formed part of a highway was capable of giving rise to an estoppel per rem judicatam so as to preclude the landowner from afterwards asserting , in proceedings unconnected with the register , that the land in question did not form part of a highway .
14 When pressure is reduced during ascent , this nitrogen must be slowly eliminated through breathing , or bubbles will form in the bloodstream , giving rise to the bends .
15 Products labelled ‘ table ’ or ‘ cooking ’ salt usually contain chemicals and anti-caking agents to ensure free-flow from the drum in which they are packed , giving rise to famous advertising slogans such as ‘ Everyone knows Saxa flows ’ and ‘ When it rains , it pours ’ .
16 The songs of the whales carry through the water , over long distances with astonishing clarity , and were heard clearly through the wooden hulls of the old whaling ships in calm weather , giving rise to the belief that the sounds were the songs of mermaids .
17 The three big economies are at different stages of the economic cycle : while America is struggling with recession , Japan and Germany are still fighting inflation , giving rise to differences in interest-rate policies and attitudes towards the risk of inflation .
18 The computer did not plan an Agnes or a Paul , but only a prototype known as a human being , giving rise to a large number of specimens which are based on the original model and have n't any individual essence .
19 The gathering force of worrying rumour about the killing in asylums of mentally sick and incurably ill patients was one factor which , especially but not solely among practising Christians , was giving rise to grave concern and threatening to alienate support for the regime In August 1941 , news of the courageous open denunciation of the ‘ euthanasia action ’ by Bishop Galen of Münster spread rapidly and seems to have persuaded Hitler to halt the killing , at least inside the Reich itself .
20 In the absence of anything so spectacular , the most impressive parts of the speech were those which declared how Germany had successfully surmounted the most severe test in the previous winter , and those indicating the exploitation of the material resources of the occupied territories and giving rise to hopes of improved foodstuff provisioning at home .
21 Such invitations and sharings of food were virtuous , and could be interesting , giving rise to good conversation .
22 The quinolones rapidly block bacterial DNA replication and transcription by inhibiting DNA gyrase , ultimately giving rise to cell lysis .
23 At several times , notably at the end of the Palaeozoic , they suffered massive and largely unexplained extinctions , a few survivors giving rise to the variety of forms that followed .
24 any claim reported to the insurers more than 180 days after the commencement of the incident giving rise to a claim .
25 Basically , the head teacher must consider it inappropriate for the time being for the pupil to follow the National Curriculum and that either ( 1 ) circumstances giving rise to that opinion are likely to change within six months or ( 2 ) that the pupil may have special educational needs requiring modification of the National Curriculum and temporary exception is necessary while those needs are assessed .
26 This narrowing or furring up of the arteries can slow down the flow of the blood to your heart ( giving rise to the condition known as angina ) or even cut off the supply completely , at which point a heart attack then occurs .
27 As soon as the delicate lining has been interfered with , the ovum finds it difficult to make its way to the uterus and may either arrive too late for successful implantation or , which is worse , may implant in the tube itself , giving rise to an ectopic pregnancy ( tubal pregnancy ) .
28 The hard mods had already taken to cropped hair by 1964 and the style was taken further by the skinheads , giving rise to their own name of peanuts and other names such as lemons , spy kids and no-heads .
29 By late 1969 , the length had increased , giving rise to a new name .
30 Development begins with the fertilized egg , which is a single cell , giving rise to a number of smaller cells .
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