Example sentences of "around with [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the shadows lengthen , the men can be seen standing around with a pint of beer in hand , while mothers keep watchful eyes on the kids and catch up on the latest gossip .
2 He used to go around with a jug of orange juice to drum home to people that it is impossible to earn more unless more is produced .
3 Dana Gillespie : ‘ I 'd just come back from the States and was hanging around with a band called Ashton Gardner and Dyke .
4 ‘ Perhaps there is n't all that much fun in going around with a married bloke , after all ? ’
5 I have a feeling now , as if I 'm walking around with a sign on my back saying ‘ Kick me ’ , or ‘ I 'm a prat ’ , the sort of horrible joke kids play on each other , because I feel as though that 's exactly how people treat me .
6 I was walking around with a camera and binoculars right on top of their nuclear silos .
7 Whilst sailing around with a comfortable posture , pick out all the details of the water and land around you .
8 Sweets were produced and I remember going around with a bandaged head for a day or so .
9 Her neighbour may be struggling with arthritis and moving around with a Zimmer frame but be quite able to follow current affairs and argue about Coronation Street .
10 But something about him had fastened itself to her memory , and she found herself saying to a bartender the night after , ‘ Do you know a boy , about fifteen or sixteen , a legit , who goes around with a large black dog ? ’
11 sudden change in behaviour or lifestyles , for example going around with a new set of friends
12 She went around with a group of friends of about the same age , and one evening they were messing around at a friend 's house when his parents were out .
13 When I tried this sort of stuff before , I had one flight in a sort of plywood packing-case painted the colour of the blue stuff they used to paint on your balls when you got crabs and spent the rest of the day hanging around with a pack of strangle-voiced bores in bobble hats .
14 She looked around with a bright smile , which turned to surprise and a hint of dismay .
15 He walked around with a portfolio under one arm and a folding campstool under the other , his head held to one side in a manner considered odd .
16 You ca n't wear gloves — there is no grip … there is so much dust around the grinding machines — one of them caught fire five times during the past three months … then there is a fellow going around with a bottle of water .
17 Only in the former case , where the plasma is in equilibrium , its particles randomly moving around with a distribution of energies , does the concept of ‘ temperature ’ have a true meaning and the possibility of sustained thermo -nuclear fusion exist .
18 He had twice been badly wounded and was still hobbling around with a stick when he was given command of Fort Vaux , the smallest of the forts ringing Verdun but crucial to the defence of the important Fort Souville .
19 This was edged around with a framework of masking tape to reserve bands of the white ground that I would later paint gold .
20 ‘ Come on Eddie , it 's hardly fair to expect a fifteen-year-old to give up her Saturday , especially one like today , to sit around with a bunch of old fogeys .
21 He was so proud of his domain that he often followed visitors around with a duster and once , in the library , snatched a cigar from out of Winston Churchill 's mouth .
22 They might introduce themselves as being the best mate of a particular fan or as the one who hangs around with a particular group .
23 A third friend said , " One time I used to go around with a load of boys who wanted to break people 's windows , so I just left . "
24 The technical parts of the job — the sampling procedures , the use of chemicals and equipment — can be learned by going around with a more experienced officer for a week or so .
25 There was n't much point in pressing the bell so I fooled around with a small bunch of keys I keep for occasions like this and finally felt the tumblers turn in the lock .
26 I fooled around with a lamb chop for a while , but decided I was n't really very hungry after all .
27 I was just walking around with a huge grin on my face .
28 She was hanging around with a bunch of amateurs in Hell .
29 ‘ You invent , or goad me into , some failing to give you cause for complaint , so that you can then screw around with a clear conscience .
30 Results of a survey conducted by SBT Accounting Systems show the average Us user squanders 5.1 working hours per week messing around with a computer .
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