Example sentences of "let [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Before starting work , turn off the boiler at the programmer ( gas or oil-fired systems ) ; let solid fuel boilers go out and cool down .
2 Let old Shallot tell you this : when you 're in real trouble the women will help ; most men are cowards .
3 It is time that Mr Major let British interest rates be fixed by the needs of our low-inflation recessionary economy , not by the Germans ' need to fight the rising inflation caused by their economic mismanagement .
4 The brakes can be used fiercely to minimise the roll , but we let aerodynamic drag do most of the work , leaving them to slow us to taxi speed and steer onto the taxiway ( still ineffectually prodding the rudder pedals ) .
5 When the talk of renewal and uplift and volunteerism has dwindled and the weeds sprout amid the ruins , we will be left with the options : Plan A , let poor city neighbourhoods rot ; or , Plan B , put in dollars and jobs and a plan .
6 Let bourgeois philosophy be cudgelled and smashed by the Revolution " , when he uncompromisingly asserted : " Let us have the courage to be crude : let the spirit of subtlety be swept down the sewer …
7 The trick now is to remove the human element altogether and let artificial intelligence take care of the rest .
8 If it had n't been a yorker I 'd have looked an absolute idiot , I would n't have been in the same street , let alone cricket ground .
9 — the Almanack , let alone cricket followers at large , could scarcely have guessed that Surridge would steer the county to four more Championships in a row before handing over to Peter May ( who kept the Championship pennant at The Oval for two further years ) .
10 ‘ And that a witness who seems reluctant even to go and see the patient , let alone state what he saw or get involved in a compensation claim . ’
11 I would n't normally ask but me own lad is a greet big jessy and can not stand up for himself let alone kick f*** out of Roger Cook .
12 There is enough overdrive here to suit some people for a lead sound , let alone crunch rhythm .
13 Even so , such vague promises are no grounds for satisfaction , let alone complacency .
14 I was very grateful , the previous week had n't allowed me any time to shop , let alone cook ?
15 Previous attempts to open a dialogue on race issues ( let alone institute anti-racist practices ) have ended with anger and hostility on all sides and , unsurprisingly , there are few current Black volunteers … but the calls are still coming in .
16 Fewer than ten per cent of those living in Brussels , Paris and Milan were even willing to try a sample , let alone part with their hard-earned ecus on a dollop .
17 The chief reason why the May events failed to transform the industrial relations structure — let alone society as a whole — is the behaviour of the CGT and the Communist Party .
18 Making the video had probably been a tense experience for her , the situation and subject preventing natural expressions , let alone laughter .
19 Although responsibility for road maintenance lay with local parishes , they rarely carried out this duty with any degree of efficiency , let alone enthusiasm .
20 A recent survey showed that over 40% of patients did not even know about the NHS reforms , let alone fundholding .
21 She watched him , hardly daring to breathe , let alone hope .
22 It described extravagant Easter egg packaging as ‘ a gimmick which has nothing to do with protecting the contents , let alone Easter ’ .
23 The coalmining industry has been a major symbol of the differences between the two main political parties of post-war Great Britain : the Labour party , with its firm commitment — especially in the first decades of the period — to public ownership of the ‘ commanding heights of the economy ’ , and the Conservative party and its much greater ( and increasing from the mid-1970s on ) commitment to free market operations with minimal state interference , let alone ownership .
24 The water seemed almost solid , and it was a heart-breaking effort to keep afloat , let alone swim ; the heavy dark mass kept closing over my head .
25 The chance that a random conglomeration of whale cells would swim , let alone swim as fast and efficiently as a whale actually does swim , is negligible .
26 Such arguments sit uneasily within a tradition of British poverty research where data are constructed in ways which prevent ‘ race ’ ( let alone racism ) being a focus of analysis .
27 The Chelsea Flower Show is probably not the most obvious place to pick up a bargain — lead lions rampant and Medici urns atop Corinthian columns must cost more than the Governor of the Bank of England earns in a week to transport there , let alone purchase .
28 The existence of Greenham Common , women 's refuges , rape crisis centres , health care projects ; women-only workshops at mixed events , and lesbian-only bars at gay gatherings : all these and more are examples of how the energy of pure separatism has filtered through to affect the lives of many women , including those who have no interest in politics of any kind , let alone separatism .
29 She found , however , that once she had been formally initiated into the movement , she was expected to spend all her time with other female devotees and could no longer speak to , let alone question , the leaders ( who were all male ) .
30 The most modern interferometers can obtain spectra in shorter times , but even so they can not deal with samples that decay in seconds , let alone milli- , micro- or nanoseconds .
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