Example sentences of "approach to the " in BNC.

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1 For , once we have made the first approach to the Landshut Virgin and acquired a first set of impressions , the changeableness of the figure begins to work on us further , now less in the dimension of greater or lesser distance and more in the angle of view .
2 A black-box approach to the schooling process was used with no direct investigation of processes within the schools .
3 Their parents had a sensible approach to the matter .
4 The functionalist approach to the study of mind characterizes much of the work currently being done in cognitive psychology , artificial intelligence and linguistics .
5 I now turn to a consideration of some implications of the cognitive neuropsychology of face recognition for phenomenology — an approach to the mind and mental phenomena that gives prominence to introspectible ‘ phenomena ’ understood as acts of consciousness and their immediate objects .
6 There is a very clear , clean cut approach to the whole collection with the accent on strong graphics and sports oriented motifs to create renewed interest in the ‘ contemporary classic ’ shapes of the shirts , shorts , tops , sweaters , track suits , joggers and shell suits which make up the whole range .
7 Gardner , like other Oxford Anglicans , resisted ‘ the religious and missionary approach to the study of literature evident in the Newbolt report and the Cambridge pioneers .
8 Carpenter , predictably , finds the three essayists — Richard Humphreys , John Alexander and Peter Robinson — ‘ taking a rather solemn approach to the whole thing ’ ; whereas , he assures us , Pound 's exertions on behalf of these arts partook ‘ more than a little of the amiable joke ’ .
9 The habit into which the banks had slipped , and which their fresh approach to the business was designed to cure , was quite simple : losing money .
10 In an interview with The Independent , he aligns himself with critics of the proposed timetable of change in the National Health Service , and he questions the Prime Minister 's ‘ sceptical ’ approach to the European Community .
11 It has possibly become the dominant issue in several state races but has also produced a more compromising approach to the abortion issue .
12 It testifies both to a new realism in Moscow 's approach to the country 's profound economic crisis , and acknowledgement by the Western financial community that red-blooded free market therapy can not alone provide the answer .
13 His intellectual approach to the management of human resources seems to have made matters worse .
14 His predecessor , Nicholas Ridley , had favoured the building of Foxley Wood , but his approach to the environment was so unpopular that he was moved to another department .
15 In a proper approach to the evaluation of evidence , three questions arise .
16 ‘ You are Scottish ? ’ he said , ‘ You were playing the cornemuse on the approach to the bridge six days ago . ’
17 Mrs Thatcher found it more possible to assert her own right-wing views as against those of moderates like Prior or Walker , with a strong thrust towards monetarism emerging in the party 's The Right Approach to the Economy .
18 On the approach to the European monetary system , Prime Minister and Chancellor were more at odds .
19 Second , and more threatening , there was grass-roots discontent at Baldwin 's indolent approach to the tasks of opposition .
20 These two forms of dissent coalesced in the demand for a stronger approach to the Tory nostrum of tariff reform .
21 The British government adopted the report as official policy , and pursued a diplomatic approach to the problem over the next two years .
22 Since the Second Vatican Council she had even been removed from the Universal Canon , by ignorant prelates who — full of their scientific and rationalist approach to the institutions of sanctity — insisted she had never existed .
23 Chapter 3 showed for the most part that traditional society had an arbitrary approach to the problem typified by suicide ( as with the Banyankole ) , ‘ snuffing out ’ ( as with the Nyakyusa and Ngonde ) or violent change ( as with the Shilluk ) .
24 It gave the best possible example that could be found for a rhetorical approach to the question of property .
25 Crocker 's cautious approach to the electricity showroom , his quick sidelong glances , called to mind days long gone by when Wexford , then a sixth-form boy , had witnessed this same man as a child of ten , scuttling up to front doors playing ‘ Knocking Down Ginger ’ .
26 While the two aircraft commanders get their heads together to sort out the best approach to the problem we have been set , the two pilots sort out the flying side of life .
27 In the gym , though , in front of the school video team , Fräulein Silber was at her most severe , even criticising Erika 's warm-up exercises and clapping her hands with exasperation at Erika 's run-up , that curved and crucial approach to the bar .
28 The hallmarks of Thomas à Kempis 's approach to the religious life are a rigorous inner self-discipline and a conformity , for reasons of humility , to the existing forms of Christianity as met from day to day wherever you happen to be .
29 Critics were even more profoundly unnerved when Lean took a new approach to the Brief Encounter story with The Passionate Friends ( 1948 ) , where the husband is a much more potent , interesting and violent character than the would-be lover , again played by Trevor Howard .
30 That , in an age of wonders in the Communist world , involves a fresh Western approach to the heart of the matter , the hopeless poverty of Vietnam .
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