Example sentences of "basis for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This was the basis for clearance of the Renault/Volvo bus and truck joint venture discussed earlier .
2 Either prose composition or other linguistic exercises form the basis for tutorial work .
3 In Krawec ( 1984 ) , a case of careless driving where a death resulted , the Court of Appeal held that the proper basis for sentence is ‘ the quality of driving , the extent to which the appellant on the particular occasion fell below the standard of the reasonably competent driver ’ , to which ‘ the unforeseen and unexpected results of the carelessness ’ are not relevant .
4 The result , the 1948 Treaty of Brussels , was a 50 year pact ‘ for collaboration in economic , social and cultural matters , and for collective self-defence ’ , which Britain saw as a practical basis for cooperation , but not union .
5 The limits and boundaries of the relationship are defined in a Confucian manner , and neither side seeks to make communication the basis for cooperation .
6 The Special Advisory Board for the Army Medical Service had laid down as a basis for treatment ‘ a more or less continuous course of mercury by mouth for 1½ to 2 years ’ combined with mercurial ointment rubbed into the skin for 20 to 30 minutes daily over a six-week period .
7 A tissue diagnosis is clearly required to provide a rational basis for treatment .
8 At the moment the figures of housing provision in that draft advice are rat are done on a rather different basis for West Yorkshire as opposed to the other counties in the region .
9 This stark contrast provided the basis for Unionism 's last great campaign .
10 Does PNC acceptance of Resolution 242 validate the latter as a basis for peace ?
11 If there is regret over the failure of Resolution 242 as a blueprint for peace , which had seemed so promising in 1967 , there are grounds for even greater regret that the 1949 ( IVth ) Geneva Convention has not been vigorously upheld by those who claimed to be seeking a basis for peace .
12 For an exciting moment at the beginning of 1918 it seemed possible that the pacifists might push Labour into collision with a Government still adamant that nothing short of overwhelming military victory could provide the basis for peace .
13 Resolutions 242 and 338 are the agreed basis for peace talks and speak of Israel giving up territory it has been occupying since 1967 in return for peace .
14 In essence this would mean a parallel document recognised by the Church within each diocese and used as a basis for provision of R.E .
15 The second main objective of an audit is to ascertain and evaluate the reliability of the accounting systems used as the basis for preparation of the financial statements .
16 It is perhaps worth saying again that this argument for a rational basis for pedagogy does not imply that everything about good teaching can be reduced to what is rational .
17 It has also been suggested that there is an evolutionary basis for sex differences in lateralisation .
18 Because of the lack of a pervasive craft history , since Japan incorporated advanced mechanisation and new technologies at a comparatively early stage in its development , the unions which were formed were unable to make a sharp separation among job groups a basis for organisation .
19 The British used the four ‘ freedoms ’ agreed at the Commonwealth meeting in October 1943 as the basis for discussion , but refused to consider a US proposal for a fifth freedom : the right to pick up passengers , mail , and freight at intermediate stops not in the country of origin of the airline or its ultimate destination .
20 At the end of the day 's session , the Congress of People 's Deputies voted by 530 votes to 236 to ‘ accept as a basis for discussion ’ a declaration that should free ministers ' hands to press ahead with free market policies .
21 In order to enable the JPR to result in action and development , and for it to be used as a basis for discussion the following year , the interview is often summarised and stored in the worker 's personal records .
22 Prepared videos of realistic interviews are used as a basis for discussion too .
23 When using the pictures as the basis for discussion with the client or representatives , be conscious of the sensitivity of any comments or issues that they reflect .
24 Certain generalities might well emerge , certain principles may be borne out , and these can form the basis for discussion with other teachers working in different circumstances , and the basis for variable realization as different techniques , as I indicated earlier .
25 The accompanying text pages explore these questions and give definite answers as a basis for discussion .
26 It is expected that a draft of the proposed Railway Clearing House submission will have been completed prior to the meeting so as to form a basis for discussion .
27 None the less , there was a substantial majority in favour of accepting it as a basis for discussion , largely because there was much to be said about the interrelationship of pope , bishops and curia , and the draft provided this opportunity .
28 The information gained from the self-monitoring sheets is then used in the next session as a basis for discussion .
29 The business plan was the basis for discussion with the unions on changes in job numbers and job design .
30 A documentary programme could form the basis for discussion in the weekly slot for communicative activities .
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