Example sentences of "workers [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The payments were part of a package of benefits which were to act as a carrot to persuade workers to accept being made unemployed .
2 This is admittedly a rather crude distinction , but one which could be justified by the very uneven break — some 80 per cent of establishments were " non-users " for each category — which it produced ; For experimental purposes we also separated out " high user establishments where the number of fixed-term contract or agency workers used was the equivalent of five per cent or more of the labour force but the results thereby obtained were not more instructive than those obtained by the initial classification and so are reported upon only in a limited fashion .
3 Due to afforestation a gradual stream of workers has been released for re-employment and this will continue .
4 What part of any contraction in the demand for elderly workers has been caused by state action over the setting of pension eligibility terms , and what part has been due to the autonomous decisions of employers , must for the moment remain an open question .
5 ( In the metalworking industry no national wage agreement for manual workers has been possible since 1974 . )
6 The work of thousands of social workers has been frustrated because SSDs have not developed as agencies based on social work values .
7 During the first years of the women 's life in the community , the full-time team of health authority support workers has been regularly understaffed , with temporary cover being provided by a private nursing agency .
8 However , the organization of rural workers has been crucial to the formation of the Salvadorean opposition movement and political repression has been most savage in the countryside .
9 Moreover , revisionist work on the underground has demonstrated that the supposed conflict between politically-orientated intelligenty and economically-motivated workers has been much exaggerated .
10 The reasoning of the courts in denying employee status to agency workers has been criticised by some academic lawyers as a failure to accept the reality of their objective situation.2 Equally important is the fact that in some cases the operations of " agencies " and " works contractors " are virtually identical .
11 A pesticide which has long been thought to cause sickness and death in farm workers has been subjected to a partial ban following an agreement between the manufacturers and the US Environmental Protection Agency .
12 A new scheme to cut the suicide rate among farm workers has been launched by the Samaritans .
13 A mass meeting of council workers has been told that redundancies are unavoidable .
14 ‘ Until their presence , the demonstration by the sacked workers has been noisy but well-behaved .
15 When the hourly rates agency workers receive are compared with the notional hourly earnings of many regular staff , excluding the value of such fringe benefits as holiday and sick pay and pensions ( the so-called " bottom-line comparison " ) , many " temps " appear substantially better off than people in traditional employment .
16 Some of the advice workers surveyed were concerned that they should work as a team .
17 The tactics workers adopt are often versatile and frequently covert , so that an intimate knowledge of a particular place of work might be needed in order to be aware of resistance going on .
18 By itself this association between earnings and company size is not unique to Japan , but as we saw in the last chapter the number of workers affected is greater .
19 Most of the two point five million workers affected are women .
20 From examination of family life and some of the needs of children at home , the next writer , Nigel Parton , moves to the tragic issue of child abuse , a form of adult behaviour which makes some children 's home life a nightmare and which social workers find is one of the most difficult problems they have to address .
21 This confusion about what social workers do is important .
22 It is , therefore , not surprising to discover that in some , though not all , export oriented zones ( EOZs ) the rights of workers to organize is curtailed , either formally or in practice , and that trade unions are either suppressed or manipulated through government-TNC collaboration ( see Edgren , 1982 ) .
23 How would sectarian bitterness have been eroded if the workers had been excluded from the Labour movement ?
24 As he had always succeeded in getting his own way , the workers had been inclined to go along with him , even when their instincts told them that he was wrong .
25 There had been trouble on Merseyside just once too often , and muddleheaded militants who believed that revolution was spawned in deprivation and poverty would be able to hold a little holiday in their hearts , secure in the knowledge that several more thousand British workers had been gulled into inflicting poverty and deprivation upon themselves .
26 The SD station at Kitzingen in Lower Franconia , for example , which in its special report directly on the speech had declared that ‘ the rumours about the Führer are presumably disposed of ’ mentioned in its regular report a few days later that some workers had been heard saying that , from the speed and tone of voice , it had not been the Führer himself , but a substitute who had spoken , and Hitler himself had suffered such a shock from Stalingrad that he had to be kept under closely guarded house arrest on the Obersalzberg .
27 In the seven cases where no specific primary carer was named as participating , four social workers had been aides by unspecified ‘ others ’ , and the remaining three had completed the form with the cooperation of the young person ( 16–18 year old ) alone .
28 News that the Islands ' social workers had been given professional stress therapy astounded the families and their support organisation .
29 When a young worker offered one group the fact that in Germany workers had been given training to help people see themselves as not being ‘ simply cogs in a wheel ’ , it was suggested that this could not be done in Britain .
30 Furthermore , the Oral Replacement Workers had been instructed to emphasise the dangers of adding too much salt to the solution , and warn the mothers that the lobon-gur solution would not reduce the output of stool from the sick child .
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