Example sentences of "present [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 In the present recession the bureau have helped villagers solve problems with unemployment , homelessness and debt .
2 They always suggest to the present writer the taste of a ripe plum .
3 Therefore in the present case the justices came to the correct conclusion .
4 In the present case the mother said that D was secure with the foster parents and that custodianship would be enough .
5 And if in the present case the staff plan is at fault , blame can be laid at no one 's door but my own .
6 The House of Lords held that in the present case the defendants ' disclaimer was sufficient to exclude the assumption by the defendants of a duty of care towards the plaintiff .
7 In the present case the jury could have been in no doubt where the burden of proof lay .
8 In the present case the Court had not been informed how many hours remained under the original order ; the later order would be quashed and an order for 60 hours substituted .
9 In the present case the Court of Appeal on 4 November 1991 refused leave to the present petitioner , Strathmore Group Ltd. , to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal dated 4 October 1991 .
10 Of more immediate relevance to the present case the European Court of Human Rights has held in Lingens v. Austria ( 1986 ) 8 E.H.R.R. 407 that the prosecution and conviction , under the Austrian law of criminal defamation , of a magazine publisher in Vienna for printing two articles critical of the Austrian Chancellor was a violation of article 10 .
11 In the present case the only issue is whether there is something in the language of the Act or by necessary implication , to show that the policy embodied in the Act should not be given effect as regards the questioning of a suspect who has been charged .
12 Mr. Howell accepts that in the present case the governors did consult the local education authority on the admissions policy and that such policy was a reasonable one for a Roman Catholic school to adopt were it not for the duty to comply with parental preference imposed by section 6 of the Act of 1980 .
13 In the present case the governors were relying on section 6(3) ( a ) .
14 In the present case the cause of action arises under statute and Mr. Thomas argues that different considerations apply .
15 In the present case the plaintiffs have been unable to suggest why the defendant should lose his home as well as his brother by reason of the death of his brother .
16 In the present case the Court of Appeal ( Nourse and Stuart-Smith L.JJ. ) ( 1991 ) 89 L.G.R. 729 , upholding Judge Butter Q.C .
17 In the present case the council were concerned with what appeared to be a proliferation of illegal Sunday trading .
18 On the facts of the present case the judge was , in my opinion , fully entitled to decide that , in the exercise of his discretion , no undertaking in damages should be required of the council .
19 In the present case the position when Mrs. Dennis died was that her husband had not yet been adjudicated bankrupt .
20 In the present case the judge decided that , since the evidence from Stardust Jewellers had admittedly been obtained from the appellants by a trick and after the offences charged had been committed , he had a discretion to exclude the evidence if its admission would prejudice a fair trial .
21 In the present case the argument was at one stage canvassed that requesting the receipt with the consequent obtaining of fingerprints , should be regarded separately from the main issue , that it amounted to a separate trick within a trick .
22 Now it is said that when in the present case the tenant entered pursuant to the agreement and paid a yearly rent he became a tenant from year to year on the terms of the agreement including clause 6 which prevents the landlord from giving notice to quit until the land is required for road widening .
23 In the present case the Court of Appeal were bound by the decisions In re Midland Railway Co. 's Agreement and Ashburn 's case .
24 In the present case the proceedings do not fall within section 31 of the Act of 1968 and the criminal charges to which Mr. Tully may be exposed do not fall within that Act .
25 In the present case the Crown Prosecution Service were informed of the order made by Buckley J. including paragraph 33 and were asked whether they wished to intervene in the hearing before the Court of Appeal or otherwise make representations in the appeal .
26 If , therefore , in the present case the revenue was under no contractual obligation to repay the money , and had refused to exercise such residuary discretion as it had to repay , it is difficult to see on what ground its refusal to repay could have been challenged , except on very narrow grounds such as bad faith : cf. the Chetnik case [ 1988 ] A.C. 858 , 873g , per Lord Bridge of Harwich .
27 In the present case the writing by the deceased of the contents of the 18 April 1986 document was completed in one operation .
28 In the present case the deceased indicated in clear terms to Mr. Morgan and Miss Calagarri that he regarded his name , written by him as part of the phrase ‘ My Will by Percy Winterbone , ’ as being his signature .
29 I now apply to the present case the principles that I have spent overlong in trying to identify .
30 ‘ In the present case the act or omission of the defendant occurred while he was driving a motor car upon a public highway , and it was , we think , then reasonably foreseeable that such act or omission might cause injury to a pregnant woman in the car with which his car collided and might cause the child she was carrying to be born in an injured condition .
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