Example sentences of "shown [pn reflx] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since he had been hailed as the new John Edrich and had already shown himself capable of taking on that mantle , it was a bad blow for England .
2 Stephen has shown himself capable thus far . ’
3 He has so far shown himself incapable of a knockout punch witness his feeble reply in the Commons yesterday to the onslaughts from his former Chancellor and from Labour leader John Smith .
4 Lamb had taken over the Northamptonshire leadership the previous season and had shown himself enthusiastic if inexperienced , but had then missed a good deal of the season through injury .
5 God was Goodness : He was Justice : Christ had shown himself humble even unto death .
6 Salmond has since shown himself responsive to calls for cross-party unity among the opposition , but Brian Wilson ( ‘ The Union strikes back ’ , 24 April ) seems still to be revelling in partisan spite .
7 This points the way to the culturalist approach to which Hirsch has elsewhere shown himself sympathetic .
8 He has often shown himself ready to make concessions when faced with genuine mass discontent .
9 The Soviet Union has shown itself anxious to expand trade with , for example , Mexico , with which Moscow already has good and well-established political relations .
10 The second hopeful sign is that the state and its criminal justice system ( broadly conceived to include criminal , administrative , and civil law ) has shown itself receptive to arguments that corporate crime victims deserve protection and that corporate criminals deserve sanctioning , particularly when those arguments have been well orchestrated , empirically supported , and contain implicit electoral threats .
11 After a year and a half of desultory contacts , none of the parties to the conflict has shown itself able to give enough to elicit a useful response from the other side .
12 While Parliament itself can regulate such matters it has shown itself reluctant to do more than call on " the good sense of M.P.s not to abuse their privilege . "
13 In comparison , Roman law had shown itself flexible and responsive to the interests of creditors .
14 In the cases it has dealt with to date , the Commission has shown itself willing to clear horizontal mergers which produce high market shares , where there is strong competition from actual or potential competitors .
15 This opens up the possibility of negotiations between the Commission and the parties concerned and the Commission has shown itself willing to resolve cases on the basis of undertakings in [ two ] of the [ five ] proceedings it has brought to date .
16 And Hewlett-Packard has shown itself willing to make regular infilling acquisitions as it has grown — the company was heavily castigated for the price it paid for Apollo Computer Inc , but without Apollo , it would not be in anything like such a strong position today .
17 Analysts expressed the opinion that , unlike previous agreements , the Geneva accord was credible , largely because Iraq had shown itself willing to adopt the role of an OPEC " enforcer " to curb over-production .
18 Oh ma'am if only I had shown myself strong in the face of temptation !
19 But , perhaps most important of all , companies had shown themselves unwilling to admit to failure or believe bad news , leading to deeper difficulties .
20 His revenue was slowly sinking and his subjects had shown themselves resistant to demands for aid .
21 Creatures from pigeons to monkeys have shown themselves capable of performing this task successfully .
22 On several occasions when their views have been canvassed , the judges of the High Court and the Court of Appeal have shown themselves capable of contemplating changes that do not necessarily coincide with popular or professional opinion .
23 And to compound the problem , the local planning authority had shown themselves unsympathetic to the owner 's over-ambitious plans for rebuilding .
24 They have also shown themselves reluctant to allow any sub-delegation of judicial or legislative powers .
25 Already in the eighteenth century all the European states had shown themselves reluctant to appoint full ambassadors without substantial reasons of expediency or tradition .
26 The courts have shown themselves sympathetic in cases where the charge payer does not have the means to pay .
27 An aspect of the purported effects of the political system is the policy co-option argument — that the extreme right , at least in recent years , has been unsuccessful because of the ease with which some of its appeals ( or some attenuated version of them ) can be adopted by major parties , after the former parties have shown themselves unable to break into the political system .
28 On balance , the GDR , Hungary and Bulgaria have shown themselves able to absorb Western technology and put it to effective use ; but Romania and , more conspicuously , Poland , have combined high levels of dependency with ill-conceived investment decisions and the worst adaptation problems of the kind discussed in Chapter 2 .
29 Children have shown themselves able to take ideas further than ever before .
30 The serious ill-health of the witness is a strong reason , but it needs to be clearly proved ; the courts have shown themselves suspicious of mere assertions of unfitness to travel .
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