Example sentences of "shown [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 shown ourselves into the river .
2 Since winning the super-heavyweight gold at last year 's Olympics , the London-born but Canadian-raised fighter has shown himself to be anything but another pugilistic stereotype .
3 The general opinion around the paddock when I first started in motor racing was that James had early shown himself to be a driver of exceptional reflexes and considerable competitive temperament .
4 Over and over again in the past few weeks he has shown himself to be leading a rudderless , aimless Government .
5 ‘ Mr Bradburn has shown himself to be a fine teacher and a popular colleague . ’
6 By introducing tough new health warnings and refusing to give in to the tobacco industry 's demands , Mr Waldegrave has already shown himself to be the most effective Health Minister since Sir George Young 's short tenure .
7 William Waldegrave , Secretary of State for Health , has shown himself to be no friend of the tobacco industry over the past few weeks .
8 He might for example , have shown himself to be a ‘ little hard-nut ’ .
9 During the last few months as we have got to know him better , he has shown himself to be exactly the sort of person we had hoped Annabelle would marry — charming , sincere , reliable — with a clear idea of what he wants from life and how to achieve it .
10 Here now is an Arab leader who has shown himself to be capable not only of standing up to the mightiest military force in the world , but also of retaliating .
11 Recently he has shown himself to be too easily swayed by Mossadesq " a threats … "
12 This advocate of the ‘ intelligent education of the hand and eye ’ had after all shown himself to be a resourceful manufacturer .
13 My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State has always shown himself to be a listening Minister .
14 Although unsuccessful in his 1990 Senate and 1991 gubernatorial campaigns , Duke had shown himself to be a skilled politician capable of mobilizing considerable support amongst the white working class .
15 Above all , in his role as final judge and lawgiver , he had shown himself to be an exponent of definition and codification .
16 Despite the shock that he must have felt as he drove to what he expected to be his hangar on the morning after , he has shown himself to a man of warm priorities : ‘ People and their problems are more important than airplanes , ’ he has commented .
17 He has shown himself as a devoted family man ; Ms Campbell is twice divorced and childless .
18 Philip had already shown himself as king at Worms on 5 April 1198 .
19 Innocent had already shown himself against clergy being involved in the ordeal and the duel — the two survivals of superstitious methods of proof .
20 Where the remedy has been too ‘ strong ’ for the patient 's vitality this has always shown itself on the first few doses and it has merely been necessary to wait a day or two for the over-reaction to settle and then to begin again using greater dilution .
21 The Government of Sri Lanka has shown itself to be increasingly sensitive to the outcry over its appalling human rights record over the last decade .
22 He named Francis Fukuyama , an American , whose ‘ End of History ’ article might tempt one to think that the struggle was over and to put one 's feet up , thinking that every alternative to economic liberalism , in recent times , had shown itself to be hopelessly flawed .
23 LOSERS : The Financial Times , which was slow off the mark in exposing Labour 's tax plans and by declaring for Labour has shown itself to be as pink as its paper .
24 Market related pricing has shown itself to be effective in ensuring that consumers are aware of the real value of the resources they use , not only as it affects energy consumption but also in the realms of energy efficiency investment .
25 A final point : the assimilation of modal legacy to trust implies that the trust had shown itself to be a more useful , perhaps more flexible legal institution .
26 Even the Morning Star which is the paper closest to a political party ( the Communist Party ) has shown itself to be anything but a servant of its political masters .
27 YTS has been a major provider of new opportunities and through its funding mechanism , its special assessment and age exclusions , and its provision of special equipment and services , it has shown itself to be responsive to the needs of very many young people with disabilities and learning difficulties .
28 Picketing in various forms has shown itself to be one of the most effective forms of industrial action .
29 It also has certain opportunities , for example the University has already shown itself to be a leading research centre .
30 MERSEYSIDE has once again shown itself to be at the centre of new writing talent .
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