Example sentences of "give the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 5 From the table opposite which pairs of lengths and widths would give the largest and smallest areas ?
2 All the best rocking horses have heads which look to the left or right , and this angling is well worth the small extra trouble since it does give the finished horse a little more ‘ life ’ .
3 Then look at each one very carefully , removing any yellowish pieces , which may give the finished dish a bitter taste .
4 There is also the possibility of a young England tour of Jamaica , which the All England Netball Association hope will give the young players some experience of the Caribbean game before the world tournament .
5 We can give the young reader a second opinion on what is being read .
6 It was also nice to see him give the young girl who had drawn his winning number a £20.00 note as a way of saying thank you .
7 A claim for group relief must give the following details : the identity of the claimant company ; the accounting period for which relief is claimed ; the identity of the surrendering company or companies ; the relevant accounting period(s) of each surrendering company ; amounts claimed in respect of each ; and the total amount of the claimant company 's profits claimed to be covered by group relief .
8 Non-British and non-Commonwealth citizens must give the following information :
9 Consider what context would give the following actions symbolic resonance : using a talking stick or talisman crossing a threshold turning off a radio knocking down a wooden post .
10 It is worth getting this formidable reputation into perspective by quoting the words of Edward O. Wilson , the world 's foremost authority on ants as well as the author of Sociobiology : In answer to the single question I am asked most frequently about ants , I can give the following answer : No , driver ants are not really the tenor of the jungle .
11 New feminism stressed the importance of women 's role in the home , not to argue the case of female uniqueness and social maternalism , but rather in order to demand reforms that would give the individual mother control over her ‘ conditions of work ’ and ‘ her product ’ .
12 Therefore I think it would be a better idea if units could be set up and the children could be taken out of an ordinary school for perhaps one or two or three years , according to how much time is required , where they could give the individual attention and the specialist teaching to help them to overcome this particular problem .
13 Those who provide public services will have to prove they can give the right quality at the right cost .
14 We played late on the first day and I went round in the morning spotting the pin positions , trying to get a feel for the course so I could give the right information to Nick .
15 No one in the world could give the right answer just like that , especially a girl !
16 Erm the way you were doing it will sometimes give the right answer but the easiest way
17 If the number of children varies , then the branching ratio n can be taken to be the number which makes this sum give the right answer .
18 What he said was a vague approximation of what Malcolm Harris had written , and he did n't even give the right cue to George Birkitt , who spoke next .
19 Er , but any change you make to a computer system , is likely to introduce bugs into the system , so that it does n't give the right answers any more .
20 I will give the right hon. Gentleman no such undertaking ; nor did he expect me to .
21 How you gon na deal with people who are , we get this side of the group to be aggressive people passive side , we 'll give the right hand side of the group as I 'm standing look at the passive people .
22 Did I give the right answer ? ’
23 Since wages and prices tend to be ‘ sticky ’ in the downward direction , the only way that the price mechanism can work and give the appropriate signals is for the prices of different goods and services to rise at different rates .
24 Fuchida would give the appropriate signals .
25 A glance at book illustrations of the more popular Fairy Basslets will give the immediate impression that pink is the predominant colour in the dizzy range of hues which nature has lavished on them .
26 We will now give the complete solution of the problem P1 with data specified in Table 8.1 and references to trees T1–T4 in Fig. 8.3 .
27 Physical intuition might provide part of the answer , but surely mathematics will always give the complete answer .
28 Will this be based on historical precedent , or will a real effort be made to consider which investments in health care will give the best value for money ?
29 • We 'll give the best idea a superb tank , cabinet and hood , ( from Aquariums , Cabinets , and Hoods ) and equipment and/or fish to the value of £150 .
30 This will give the best possible contact between the individual piezo elements and the saddle .
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