Example sentences of "give to the " in BNC.

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1 The answer is 0.9 recurring , but I do not expect to be awarded great sums of public money for this discovery , which I freely give to the world ; nor do I demand the overthrow of government and its takeover by a gang of lower-class hooligans .
2 If that is the sense they give to the word ‘ Panslavism ’ , oh ! then I am a Panslav .
3 Indeed , all that remains today of the old inherent rights are the power to control the method of carrying out the functions which Parliament from time to time give to the local authorities and the power to make rules as to the conduct of the meetings of the local authority .
4 Meditation is the just judge that can look at the present and put it into perspective ; the images of the past , the faithfulness , the many joys and sadnesses give to the present a continuity so that the nearness does not warp the judgement .
5 Coleman 's will , dated 1 July 1839 , provided for the founding of a Coleman prize : ‘ Also , I give to the Royal Veterinary College , at the expiration of three years from my decease , the sum of one hundred and sixty-six pounds thirteen shillings and fourpence , 3 per Cent .
6 In return countries in , say , western Europe or Japan , give to the US information from their own satellites .
7 The cleaner and better groomed you look the greater will be the impression of efficiency and being in command of the situation which you give to the interviewer .
8 Bishop David has already appealed to us to double the money we give to the Church wherever we can .
9 For the latter , the term God is the main religious symbol for the Ground of Being while , for the former , God is the name we give to the mysterious power that pervades the universe and not a symbol in the Tillichian sense .
10 So grammar is the name we give to the knowledge of how words are adapted and arranged to form sentences .
11 Dad says we should all be reviewing what we give to the Lord 's work .
12 Another similarity between control theory and classical criminology is in the kinds of answer they give to the question ‘ why do we conform ? ’ .
13 Only in Kempe 's noted version on EMI ( 2/88 ) have I felt so strongly the main attributes of Lohengrin : here Robert Heger , the very epitome of the Kapellmeister manner at its best , give to the many passages of formal utterance a grandeur and intensity so often missing in studio performances , culminating in a magnificent outpouring at the final greeting to Elsa in Act 2 .
14 The principal interest of these court appearances is in the confirmation they give to the portrait of the National Socialist League in the last months of peace .
15 If , on the other hand , you are not , then you need to make the effort and change the priority you give to the organisation of time .
16 Because these appear at about the same level in adjacent fibrils they give to the whole fibre its characteristic cross-striated appearance .
17 By section 291 of the Insolvency Act 1986 a bankrupt must deliver up all his books , papers and records and give to the official receiver such information of his estate and such other information as the official receiver may reasonably require .
18 I must also emphasise that the answer I give to the question before me will be of general application .
19 A third witness , you understand , adds no further dimension but only spreads it thinner , and a fourth thinner still , and the more witnesses there are the thinner it gets and the more reasonable it becomes until it is as thin as reality , the name we give to the common experience …
20 But th the problem is all the shortcuts are g gon na reduce the quality of service we give to the client .
21 They seldom give to the relationship the commanding priority that women , particularly in the early stages of loving , feel to be appropriate .
22 The dilemma can be expressed as follows : the more accessible teachers seek to make themselves to all their pupils as individuals , the less time they have for direct , extended and challenging interaction with any of them ; but the more time they devote to such extended interaction with some children , the less demanding on them as teachers must be the activities they give to the rest ; and the less demanding an activity is of their time and attention as teachers , the more the likelihood that the activity in question will demand little of the child .
23 This is , then , the meaning structuralists give to the ‘ relative autonomy ’ of the state .
24 Asked whether people who give to the WWF to protect such things as pandas , whales and rainforests realized that their money is also being used in this way , in particular to support the bloodsport of angling , he said he had never thought of angling as a bloodsport and donations had been listed in their magazine .
25 ( 6 ) Where any person desires to oppose an application for the grant of a licence under this Part of this Act , he shall , not later than seven days before the meeting of the licensing board at which the application is to be considered , give to the licensing board and to the applicant written notice of his objection specifying the round of his objection in the manner mentioned in section 16(2) and ( 3 ) of this Act .
26 ( 5 ) Any person intending to oppose an application for renewal of a licence under this Part of this Act shall , not later than seven days before the hearing of the application , give to the holder of the licence and to the licensing board notice in writing of his intention , specifying the ground of his objection in the manner mentioned in section 16(2) and ( 3 ) of this Act .
27 Theatre 's task is ‘ to smash language in order to touch life ’ ; it is to show that the force of the aural lies in sound ( reduplicating for Artaud the significance that dreams give to the sounds in speech ) and not words ( Sellin 1968 , pp. 49–52 ) .
28 We would hope that the Highways Department as a whole can unite to face the future and that both conditions for Highways staff and the service we give to the public can be maintained .
29 It is hopeless beauty that brings the tears to the eyes , a beauty we give to the dead hopes of our past .
30 I will gladly give credit to the unstinting support that the staff of the national health service give to the principles of the NHS .
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