Example sentences of "give the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They have no relevance to the story , but do bring us up to date and give the all-important illusion of gravitas which accompanies everything Branagh does .
2 By examining data which give the criminal record and other characteristics for a sample of subjects it is possible to develop a statistical equation which can be used for making predictions .
3 The evolution of mammals after the Cretaceous was both extremely rapid and very complex , and we can do no more than give the roughest sketch here .
4 LWB Stationwagon rear springs fitted to the rear of your SWB sill give the softer ride you are looking for .
5 The squares of their moduli give the actual probabilities , as equation [ 3 ] says .
6 It will be seen that the written notes for the B flat tenor give the actual sounds if the tenor clef is substituted for the treble and for the baritone the written notes give the actual notes if imagined to be written in the bass clef ( making allowances in the matter of key signatures ) .
7 It will be seen that the written notes for the B flat tenor give the actual sounds if the tenor clef is substituted for the treble and for the baritone the written notes give the actual notes if imagined to be written in the bass clef ( making allowances in the matter of key signatures ) .
8 Does not this place give the Prime Minister the chance to show whether he is really against the smears that have been organised against the Labour party , or is he getting others to do his dirty work for him ?
9 Solid bases give the firmest support so may need a springier mattress to compensate .
10 He realised that the ratio R/L = G/C give the necessary condition for distortionless transmission , where R = resistance ; L = inductance ; C = capacitance and G = leakage ( conductance ) .
11 Can I encourage the Minister to do the double by restoring the funding so as to enable much-needed house building and repairs to go ahead , and at the same time give the necessary financial boost to the devastated building and construction industry ?
12 Indexing journals ( often simply called indexes ) give the straightforward bibliographical details of articles in the range of journals ( which may be in hundreds ) covered by the indexing service .
13 This is where the forces of the earth are exposed with a dramatic clarity and where billion-year old rocks , deposited at a time when seas extended right across the valley give the stark harshness of the area a startling and a rare and sometimes unexpected beauty at different times of the day .
14 The homoeopathic physician can on the other hand give the appropriate remedies for grief or fright , or whatever else it may have been , and experience the satisfaction of being told that the patient now feels better than she has done for years .
15 have the language helper give each stimulus in turn , and you give the appropriate response
16 Attached to the legs of chairs , the edges of rugs , the bottoms of jugs , the aerials of radios , the doors of drawers , the headboards of beds , the screens of televisions , the handles of pots and pans , they give the appropriate measurement for the part of the object they 're stuck to .
17 Use your mirrors , on narrow or winding roads or where there is a lot of oncoming traffic , drivers of large or slow moving vehicles should be prepared to pull in and slow down to stop as soon as there is suitable opportunity , well , before you take off or turn left or turn right , or slow down or stop , use your mirrors , you should always look behind even if they 're none , a motor cycle should always look behind either , then give the appropriate signal if necessary , remember the routine
18 They give the female cat a false pregnancy , complete with all the usual accompanying symptoms , such as increased appetite and increased weight .
19 What Aragon could be like without water appears in the Monegros : a complete desert in a dry year , it could , with winter rains , give the heaviest yields in Spain .
20 You give the assistant £10 and she gives you £1.30 change .
21 They give the good speller a chance to use his skill , but may depress a poor speller .
22 If the makeup of the whole of a person 's being was represented by a frozen block of egg yolks and whites ( colour coded — dyed different colours ) then any other person wishing to investigate and make conscious or broadcast his feelings upon this being might have to take a sample or sliver through the block or might collect a number of such slivers , some from other people 's different angle scanning of that being , then I would suggest that the picture of flat slivers built up would in no way give the many complex proportions of shapes originally in the block .
23 To start the game give the first player the bottle or jar and ask him to hold it on his head .
24 We give the first two bars of the passage , which continues in an exactly similar manner for twelve more bars or so .
25 Most of his staff are currently on strike because they have n't been paid for two months , so Soliz is going personally to open the new group and give the first lesson .
26 In cases where an acute prescription is required I give the new remedy in LM1 .
27 Give the new mother one dose of Arnica 200 every 3 hours for three doses only .
28 These equations give the new expression for U in terms of the null coordinates u and v .
29 Give the new faces a chance !
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