Example sentences of "forward to the " in BNC.

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1 Also in an ideal calendar , the Grand Slam Cup should be brought forward to the end of October , 4–5 weeks after the US Open , which would not only give the players a brief chance to relax but then to prepare for the ‘ tour finale ’ on an indoor surface .
2 ‘ We look forward to the discussions .
3 We 're looking forward to the opportunity of helping . ’
4 He continued : ‘ I am looking forward to the next Labour government throwing out the Tory anti-union laws and giving working people the protection that they need to conduct legitimate industrial action .
5 I 'm looking forward to the match and to seeing him training .
6 THE TIME has come for the egg industry to look forward to the 1990s .
7 The challenge now for the egg industry is to communicate this message to consumers ; to look forward to the 1990s with confidence in the knowledge that its product is the best in the world — not to waste time and money on the constant examination of its collective navel and on cries of ‘ not fair ’ .
8 Proposals for the licensing system will now go forward to the ministry for approval .
9 Often in NEP when thoughtful leaders at many levels became exasperated by the seemingly chaotic situations they saw about them , they dreamt of , and sometimes put through , as in Makarenko 's case , schemes which looked forward to the methods of the 1930s .
10 Yet fifty years after Ramsey 's book a good judge of religious thought and literature during the twentieth century declared it to be an enduring masterpiece , which pointed forward to the road which Anglicans and not only Anglicans would follow .
11 — ‘ in thought I see my past madness ’ ; these two cries are from the Arnaut Daniel speech ending Purgatorio XXVI , where the poet condemned to the circle of lust prays for the hearer 's consideration and looks forward to the release from the to tortures meted out to the lustful .
12 It also looks forward to the later poetry , where the ‘ spirit of the river ’ Mississippi becomes ‘ a strong brown god ’ , while the ‘ spirit of the sea ’ is that of the Atlantic of the New England coast of Eliot 's childhood .
13 The thoughts of Cailliet and Bédé point forward to the importance of communion with the dead in Four Quartets , with their intense , visionary moments ; more immediately the Frenchmen 's stress that , like primitive thought , ‘ Le symbolisme , en effet , requiert tout d'abord une détente de l'attention ’ , is paralleled in The Use of Poetry by Eliot 's presentation of poetic creation not as an act of concentrated attention , but as a relaxation , or removal of a normal barrier .
14 From the condition of being Agonistes , Sweeney points forward to the later ritualistic conception of Eliot 's Christian drama .
15 He looked forward to the development of the country
16 I was not looking forward to the packing .
17 As the sun went down over the trees , everyone in the squadron had enjoyed a hard day 's military training and , after a good dinner and some well-deserved beers , they were very happy and were looking forward to the challenges of the next day .
18 The Rev E P Tompson was the first Chairman of its Executive Committee and in that capacity led the work forward to the point at which it was accepted as the youth club arm of Scripture Union , and a member of the SU Council assumed the chair .
19 The Yorkshire & Humberside committee is looking forward to the appointment of a new Field Officer .
20 But she is settling in much better now and looking forward to the best Christmas dinner money can buy . ’
21 Every ten minutes an austere blouse steps into the gloom and calls a croucher forward to the cashier 's hatch .
22 He said he was looking forward to the results of the inquiry chaired by Mr David Calcutt , QC , into press behaviour .
23 Dr. Tolba , widely respected for the critical role played by UNIP in achieving the Montreal Protocol on ozone depletion , is looking forward to the London Conference on Climate next June aimed at toughening up the Montreal guidelines .
24 Assuming that the start of the current recession ( which on January 2nd was officially acknowledged , at last ) was some time in October , investors can look forward to the Dow tumbling to 1,800 by the late autumn of 1991 .
25 He passed Responsions that June and began to look forward to the payments he would get for his journalism — especially for his ‘ prose poems ’ in the Speaker .
26 I hope you are well & looking forward to the sunshine .
27 ‘ I was looking forward to the ride .
28 ‘ We now look forward to the main course this evening . ’
29 Nigel was looking forward to the occasion and Gina had promised to be especially nice and polite as long as she could have one of her friends there to make up a foursome .
30 We were looking forward to the vacation , to Christmas , to what you called ‘ New Year 's ’ .
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