Example sentences of "to keep [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Daily maintenance consists merely of giving the walls and floor of the pond a once-over with a soft-bristled broom , to keep down blanketweed : suspended matter is then whisked away to both filters , and what they miss is picked up by the skimmer .
2 We must continue to keep down inflation and watch our monetary policy .
3 They tend to rely on a rapid turnover of stock , to keep down inventory levels .
4 Unlike Britain , Japan has full employment and a high level of savings which facilitates investment and helps to keep down interest rates and inflation .
5 It resulted from government initiatives which centralised the process of wage-fixing to keep down labour costs and promote savings in an attempt to accelerate the modernisation of industry and foster economic growth .
6 In the last quarter of the eighteenth century British population hit the critical rate of growth squarely in the middle , slow enough to maintain , or even slightly improve real wages and yet to encourage labour saving innovation , fast enough to keep down labour costs and yet to expand aggregate demand for food and mass consumer goods .
7 The point to note here is that it is the lower-wage countries for which this is the case and the crucial impact of the TNCs has been to create intense pressure to keep down labour costs in order to attract foreign investment .
8 The low spending figure is , in part , a tribute to the way the NHS has been able to keep down health costs which have increased much faster in other countries , most notably those with insurance-based systems of finance ( see below ) .
9 By allowing , in the interests of economic profitability , the financial institutions to regulate themselves , by weakening , in order to keep down industry 's costs , the power of the agencies who are meant to control health and safety and pollution , the Conservatives again have revealed the ideological basis to their law and order position .
10 This would presumably help to keep down production costs .
11 There are believed to be anywhere between 50,000 and 100,000 migrant labourers from the Philippines , Indonesia and Thailand working illegally in Taiwan and helping to keep down wage levels .
12 Avoiding artificial lighting and air conditioning was seen to be important in reducing the use of electricity , not only to keep down running costs but also for wider , environmental reasons .
13 Instead of scraping them , a heavy expenditure was incurred on pumps , carts and hired labour to keep down dust levels by watering : " the mud indeed is so very deep all the winter and so fluid after rain , as to render it unsafe to meet horses , owing to their feet throwing the mud not only over an horseman 's clothes but also into his eyes " .
14 For him , this meant giving master classes in duplicity in order to keep both Axis and Allies in play for as long as he needed to achieve his economic , military and , above all , territorial objectives .
15 We all spurred and whipped as we reached the bottom of the hill to keep up pace for the snow underfoot made the going heavy , when both Bowyer 's horse and that of Southgate suddenly took on a life of their own .
16 ‘ It 's good practice , ’ Nutty panted , in a dying effort to keep up morale .
17 During the Second World War , many of the world 's armies were in foreign lands , and countries had to send music and entertainment to their forces to keep up morale .
18 But also of course there was this propaganda from from the government you know that erm they 'd just got to keep up morale and this was one one way as you will see in a minute of how they did it .
19 This sort of incident , and all the " in-jokes " we shared , perhaps not so funny to those outside the job , although trivial in themselves helped to keep up morale , and I think were a necessary part of the team spirit .
20 However , I do accept that occasionally it 's necessary to promote a volunteer in order to keep up morale in the ranks .
21 At harvest time , a lot of families up here visit relatives to help get the crops in , so it 's hard to keep up continuity in the group . ’
22 Transparencies can be revealed as the lesson progresses , thus focusing attention on the teaching point and also creating a sense of anticipation of what will be revealed next , ie helps to keep up interest .
23 She had to keep up rental payments which finally mounted up to £570 a quarter — regardless .
24 ‘ It caused some anxious moments as we worked out how to keep up supply to this project approximately 1,200 kilometres from our manufacturing centre in Rabaul , ’ said PNG general manager .
25 Scots fail to keep up challenge
26 To keep up production , management moved some of their staff to a factory in France .
27 This success in constitution-making did not bring success for the Virginia Company ; Sandys was able to keep up emigration , but death and discouragement meant the population hardly rose above 1,000 .
28 Indemnity policies protect the lender , not the borrower , so if you failed to keep up mortgage payments and the house had to be sold for less than your outstanding debt , the insurance company would pay the lender the difference , but might sue you for that amount !
29 You 'd also still have to keep up mortgage payments , even though you were paying out on your new house as well .
30 One spin-off of the recent misery in the housing market is a reluctance by insurers to keep paying out heavy claims to cover those unable to keep up mortgage payments .
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