Example sentences of "come up to " in BNC.

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1 The man had come up to her at the entrance to the library where she worked and just asked her .
2 One Sunday at the Trocadero the chief circle usher said to me , ‘ I think you 'd better come up to the back circle , Gents , we 've got a bloke behaving obscenely . ’
3 Several times it 's happened to me that someone has come up to me and asked if I 've ever done a play .
4 It was n't just today the boy had come up to the wood but yesterday as well .
5 What had he come up to Jubilee Wood for ?
6 They have come up to London to see the Queen because a relative is to receive an honour .
7 ‘ Someone was supposed to have come up to me and said , ‘ Did n't you know that there are many starving people in Ethiopia ? ’ to which I 'm supposed to have said , ‘ Yeah .
8 ‘ I think you 'd better come up to my room , ’ she mimicked again .
9 For every complaint that you have there may be 20 dissatisfied people that have n't actually come up to the school to make their feelings known — they do n't even tell you that they are upset .
10 Well , I know the Queen has come up to Buckingham Palace , for the Season .
11 Why else had he come up to Tucker 's for fags when he could have got them closer to home ?
12 ‘ I tell you what , ’ he said , after thinking for a few seconds , ‘ as you 're so keen on horses why not come up to the farm when you 've got some time to spare and help my young niece in the stables ?
13 I had a young fellow come up to me one day — he had eighteen months ' service .
14 Susan had come up to them , and stood still in horror at the sight of her sister apparently embracing a total stranger .
15 The women weeping over an open coffin in a Rowlandson drawing of c.1760 would have had more reason for grief had the merchandise not come up to their expectations ( Col. 6 ) .
16 They had come up to the Buraimi for the men to look for better opportunities .
17 Look , when you 've finished eating I think you 'd better come up to cabin 10 and get it sorted out .
18 She had come up to Jasper , who caught her wrist in his bony grip , and they ran together up towards the Underground .
19 So if someone had come up to you , and said , Well look , you you bet three pound , to have a go and if you get a four aces , I 'll give you a million pound , then it 's worth it .
20 First time I went to Norwich alone , he come up to school and got me out at half past nine in the morning .
21 My father come up to school , he come up there on a bike to see the schoolmaster and get me out to get a load of hay home .
22 But even before the farmers had come up to the market someone had probably met them at the station , because each dealer had a tout — a local man .
23 But when a High King or Queen is born , they have always come up to Tara 's gates , and sung him — or her — into the world .
24 Miss Foley was ready to go now and had come up to the desk to clear his out tray .
25 ‘ Over the years hundreds of people have come up to me and said how they remember that night for my one-handed pots .
26 This confirms that Rentokil Healthcare come up to the high standard expected and specified by BSI .
27 There may also be more room for professional bodies to discipline those whose conduct has not come up to expected standards but where proving dishonesty in a court would be hard .
28 ‘ You had better come up to Lady Merchiston , ’ Theda said , leading the way to the stairs .
29 That put him on a par with most of the population , but I must have come up to his standards .
30 The regions — they have since come up to London — were miles away from that sort of thing .
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