Example sentences of "round from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Doth prowl , and round and round from door to door
2 The Central Drive line facilitated the running of tramway football specials , and on Saturday afternoons during important matches , convoys of Dreadnoughts and Toastracks were to be found trundling round from Marton Depot .
3 WP Clearly there will be difficulties in turning the country round from state socialism to capitalism .
4 The column itself is decorated by a long relief frieze wound round from top to bottom and representing episodes from the Emperor 's Dacian campaigns .
5 Roughly speaking , the parts of England most affected by this type of planning form a great belt which sweeps round from Flamborough Head on the Yorkshire coast , down through the Midlands as far as the Dorset coast , and thence north-eastwards along the chalk uplands to the Norfolk coast .
6 He had had to conceal his revulsion at the creased and thumbed photographs handed round from desk to desk at school — those grey girls with their balloon breasts and gaping hairy forks .
7 When I quip that he sounds as if he has just come round from anaesthetic , Eva says , ‘ He has . ’
8 Those who did achieve such distinction , however , reflected glory on both school and teachers , and the English mistress at once saw how to gain advantages all round from Victoria 's unhappiness .
9 It was variously known as ‘ The Cage ’ or ‘ The Goldfish Bowl ’ , on account of its having windows all round from waist height to the ceiling .
10 But he answered all the difficult questions that Harvey Smith 's younger son asked of him last night to defeat a flying round from Philip Heffer on Viewpoint .
11 Mr Bryan Gould is generally rated less European than the Shadow Chancellor , Mr John Smith ; and Mr Gerald Kaufman , the Shadow Foreign Secretary , has swung round from gut anti-Europeanism to a conviction that powerful central institutions are unavoidable — and Britain should play its full part .
12 All the guide books insisted that ‘ fit walkers ’ could certainly complete the five Munros that loop round from Glen Lyon , and so vanity compelled us to try .
13 ‘ It is sort of like a tramp freighter , sort of plodding round from point to point ’ , said the air branch officer ; ‘ and you do n't ask too many questions when you are doing this . ’
14 We hope that as your Medau News — with its views , information and diary of events — comes through your letter box this September , you will agree that by receiving it by direct mail is a better system than sharing a few copies round from class member to class member .
15 For the first six months of its financial year , Tadpole turned round from losses of £1.4m last time to pre-tax profits of £26,800 this .
16 For the first six months of its financial year , Tadpole turned round from losses of £1.4m last time to pre-tax profits of £26,800 this .
17 Lost in the malai chain of command , shuffled round from captor to captor , I would not have given a great deal for my chances .
18 The day I was there was the still , silent kind of a winter day when the light clings to the skyline slowly moving round from east to south to west .
19 When this happens , the decision to move should be theirs alone and there should be no pressure to shuffle people round from house to house as their level of social achievement improves or deteriorates .
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