Example sentences of "nine out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Beth Wilson disagrees , ‘ I think women often have an ideal of the perfect man , and if he scores nine out of 10 , then it 's far too much a temptation not to want to try to change that last little bit . ’
2 Nine out of 10 are routine calls , many of which could be carried out by mini cabs .
3 ALMOST nine out of ten British businesses believe Britain should become a full member of the European Monetary System , but they are deeply divided about the timing , according to a survey published yesterday .
4 The Baptist Total Abstinence Association recorded a membership for England and Wales of 1,315 ministers and 205 ministerial students or nine out of every ten Baptist ministers and candidates .
5 The 10 Selection shares are all robust concerns , nine out of 10 ( the exception being Scottish Hydro-Electric ) deriving large chunks of their earnings abroad .
6 Nine out of every ten journeys , whether passenger or freight , are made by road .
7 Nine out of ten secondary school children are in comprehensive schools .
8 It 's time to get Britain working again explains how Labour will pay for its programme and cut taxes for nine out of ten families .
9 Nine out of ten lone parents are women
10 Nine out of ten lone parents are women
11 Of course no one pointed out then that in nine out of ten such cases the body would most likely be found on the beach sooner or later , maybe ten or twenty miles along the coast .
12 Before moving on to tackle the other types of gybe , you should aim to perfect the standard carve gybe with a success rate of nine out of ten .
13 Peter Millard won nine out of nine and Mike Gunton six .
14 Tracy Ashdown won nine out of nine and Brian Huntsman five .
15 Not outstanding success , for I was still missing nine out of ten bites , hut enough to suggest I was on the right track .
16 However , as stated above , nine out of the 11 in the action sample who said at second interview that they continued to prefer home care gave much more unequivocal answers ; stating not merely that they would not like the dementia sufferer to be in institutional care , or that they would feel guilty about him or her going into residential care ( as did the carers of Miss Wainwright and Mrs Nolan ) , but also that home was where they envisaged and wanted the sufferer to remain .
17 Nine out of ten would have argued with me . ’
18 As stated elsewhere in this book , a national opinion poll conducted by Southampton University and published on its ‘ Is Anyone There ? ’ programme on Halloween 1987 , showed that nine out of ten people in Britain believed in the reality of at least one psychic phenomenon .
19 It seems that Teller remained an inexhaustible source of ideas but , as with Winston Churchill , ‘ nine out of ten of them were useless and he needed men with more judgement , even if less gifted to select the tenth idea which was often a stroke of genius ’ .
20 He explained , ‘ As I watched , I thought , ‘ I hope he does n't blame the bunker ’ , because when the cameras are on them , nine out of ten pros will blame the bunker when they leave their ball in the sand .
21 A woman without children is considered abnormal , yet nine out of ten adult women also work or study full-time outside the home , and women constitute just over half the total Russian workforce .
22 The depressing news for the Iron Lady who ruled Britain for 11 years is that nine out of ten can not recall the day she quit , according to research revealed yesterday at the British Psychological Society 's London conference .
23 Nine out of ten chocoholics are women and four out of ten hide the habit because they believe it interferes with their lives , according to research based on a study of 50 self-confessed addicts .
24 Nine out of 10 British women buy their own tights and stockings so are loathe to see them wasted , according to a survey .
25 The tightest tight shoppers are in Wales , where nine out of 10 women would only spend £5 on a pair , even for a special event such as a wedding .
26 GrandMet — whose enquiry to UBS about the book 's contents sparked off the row uses nine out of 12 possible accounting devices .
27 Nine out of ten of the 2/2 Independent Company were from the dry country districts of Western Australia , used to living in the bush , butchering their own meat , and improvising motor repairs — skills they found essential in living off the country in Timor and during their first year or so as an Independent Company stationed 250 miles ( 400km ) south of Darwin in the little town of Katherine with its corrugated buildings , its one hotel and two stores .
28 Niki had nine pole positions in fourteen races , but nine out of eleven in the new car .
29 Nine out of ten of the 16,500 conscientious objectors , however , rejected this absolutist stand and accepted alternative service .
30 When the experiment was carried out using phone instructions however , only nine out of a group of 40 obeyed totally .
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