Example sentences of "put them into " in BNC.

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1 Traditionally , prawn farmers have trapped these young adults ( or ‘ post-larvae ’ as they are called ) and put them into ponds .
2 Eventually he took over their management and put them into red patent leather suits , effectively driving the last nail into The Dolls ’ coffin .
3 I think if one looks at life and says : ‘ If I was doing that job , what are the conditions I would like to work in ? ’ , and then put them into operation , people will probably think it 's about right .
4 Only if we put them into their context in the larger narrative , can we see what is going on and feel their full force .
5 ‘ Well , sir , ’ Doone said , laying the books aside , ‘ we can trace the path of ideas about the trap , but who do you think put them into practice ? ’
6 Where they become problematic , especially for members of marginalized cultural groups , is in what they begin to mean if we take them out of the pristine hot-house of the academy and put them into the messy struggles of day-to-day life .
7 There are many ways to learn about old age from older people , ways which put them into the ‘ expert ’ role .
8 We could , as in a lottery , put each name on a piece of card , all cards being identical , put them into a hat , shake well and take out ten cards .
9 When at last we got home , I would gently carry them indoors and put them into their beds , still asleep .
10 ‘ She collected all the patients ' false teeth last night — and put them into the same bowl !
11 We have often found people will nod and agree to the principles but never put them into practice .
12 I put them into a 24″ x 12″ x 12″ ( 10 gallon ) tank , kept at a constant 78°F .
13 Put them into a product and you can take out most of the preservatives . ’
14 Make a list of the special words and phrases which are used , put them into sentences and weave them thoroughly into the do-it-yourself SAS mirror-practice with which you are still persevering faithfully and regularly every day .
15 So it is with principles identified by evaluation and the techniques which put them into operation .
16 She went slowly to the refrigerator , took out a block of ice cream , cut three slices off it and put them into glass dishes , then plonked the dishes on the table , during which time a new idea came to her .
17 She disinterred two frozen TV dinners from the big freezer in the basement and put them into the oven to heat .
18 Remove the remaining needles and put them into the ‘ outside needles ’ jar .
19 We write it out in longhand , each of the 700 or so entries on individual sheets of A4 paper and then put them into alphabetical order . ’
20 As I clambered into the boat , moored near her big yacht , Lucy took the bottles of beer and Coca-Cola and put them into an open net bag which she lowered over the side , tying the net with a long rope to a hook on the gunwale .
21 While the interests which ruled the foreign policies of European states might differ , the machinery which put them into effect did not .
22 " Codle them green , and boil them up with sugar , being preserved put them into the cream strain 'd or whole scrape sugar on them , and so serve them cold in boil 'd or raw cream .
23 Alice waited until Jill stood up , with three white canvas bags , notes and cheques and coins separately , and put them into the safe .
24 The researcher may or may not attend the group discussion , but he or she will have to evaluate the results and put them into report form , adding his or her conclusions .
25 The problem I have is putting them into forms and last was a was a specific example because we ended up with our seven G N , and I took the i , the information from each of the primary schools and put them into form classes .
26 I count them put them into little money bags .
27 Okay what I want you to do is to get twelve of them first and put them into see how many rectangles you could make .
28 So do you want to copy this number down onto one label for each category and then put them into a bag and then But before Now wait a minute , wait a minute .
29 Now before before you put them into the bag I will check them , right ?
30 You just put them into the formula , ad them up and then you do your Well let's say fifty eight fifty eight tonnes of H C L gives say a hundred and twenty tonnes of N A C L.
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