Example sentences of "according [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Well Lamarckism is named after er , Jean Baptiste Antoine de Monet , better known to us as Lamarck , and the , the prime notion of Lamarckism , according in Darwin , let's try and get that over there a bit more is evolution by will .
2 According to Lao National Radio on that day , the conference would " examine thoroughly the performance of each financial agency and locality ; evaluate correctly the achievements made by the financial sector over the past 15 years ; and assess the current economic and financial situation and remaining problems so as to find effective measures to open the way for socio-economic development with new mechanisms " .
3 According to Lao reports , the agreement provided the two sides with co-operation mechanisms at both national and provisional levels .
4 What was the meaning of the agreement ( a ) according to Beer , ( b ) according to Foakes ?
5 According to Frobel et al .
6 At the end of 1987 I was again in hospital and was then top priority , according to Magdi Yacoub , or MY , or the Prof , depending on whom you talked to .
7 According to I.S Mill it is " the first principle of democracy , representation in proportion to numbers …
8 According to PW , the jury were so confused by the end of the 11-month trial that they awarded the damages to United , rather than to SC .
9 A list of the kadis in office in Anadolu in early Muharram 928/early December 1521 , forty years after the death of Mehmed II , shows the kadi of Bursa to be receiving 300 akce , while according to Gokbilgin , the kadi of Edirne was likewise receiving an allowance of only 300 akce a day at the beginning of the tenth/sixteenth century .
10 According to Megarry J ( as he then was ) in Coco v.
11 According to Megarry J ( as he then was ) in Coco v.
12 These names have a personal connotation and , according to Gandhi , are simply man 's attempt to define the mysterious , invincible force that pervades all things .
13 According to Gandhi , if it is at all possible for man to describe this power then it ought to be called Truth ( Satya ) , which is a derivative of Sat , which literally means that which is or exists .
14 Symbols , according to Gandhi , are a necessity for the religious life of some people but he insists that there is nothing inferior in conceiving of God in personalized terms .
15 According to Gandhi , it is when symbols become fetishes and embodiments of the divine , that they might be construed as idols .
16 All religions , according to Gandhi , are different roads to the same goal and it is his contention that there will always be a variety of religions corresponding to different human temperaments and environments .
17 According to Gandhi , ahi sā in its negative form involves doing no injury to any living being either physically or mentally .
18 According to Gandhi the unity of life is such that ‘ if one man gains spiritually , the whole world gains with him and , if one man falls , the whole world falls to that extent . ’
19 A true Hindu , according to Gandhi , is one ‘ who believes in God , immortality of the soul , transmigration , the law of Karma and Moksha , and who tries to practise Truth and Ahimsa in daily life … ’
20 According to Rosenthal , more than 100,000 tonnes of waste , ranging from household rubbish to industrial waste , have been dumped illegally in eastern Germany in 1991 .
21 Five shillings ( 2s. less than the lowest amount which , according to Rowntree , could support an individual for a week ) was held to be too low .
22 Society has the right , according to Devlin , to protect itself from immoral acts , and these acts are immoral if , by definition , every ‘ right-minded ’ person could be assumed to consider them so .
23 According to Devlin , society may wish to lay down moral standards for its citizens , and it may wish to use the criminal law to enforce those standards .
24 This event , according to Ross and co-workers , is followed by deposition of intra-cellular and extracellular lipid and accumulation of other components , including collagen ( Ross & Glomset , 1976 ; Ross & Marker , 1976 ) .
25 For , at one extreme , we have a description of that unique quality for which the arts , and the arts in education in particular here , are quite properly prized : namely their existence , according to Ross , as ‘ special ways of knowing ’ , in which our ideas and feelings are expressed through an engagement with ‘ sensuous forms ’ using that form of direct symbolization identified by Langer , which , by definition , relies upon non-discursive forms of communication that by their very nature defy translation into words .
26 According to Mansbach and Vasquez , power politics have been replaced by ‘ issue ’ politics , where actors group and regroup at the intersections of political and economic issues .
27 According to Wells , the data from his research contradicts crude generalizations that are often made about some children as being ‘ deprived at home ’ of those language experiences that will prepare them for schooling , and assumptions that the school is a ‘ rich language environment ’ .
28 The R4000 multiprocessor will replace the company 's R3000-based Series 8000 and 68040-based Series 7000 Unix machines , according to Denis Brown , Concurrent 's chairman and CEO .
29 Today there are probably 12,000 healers in this country alone according to Denis Haviland , the director of the Confederation of Healing Organisations .
30 But the longer-term variations can not be due directly to sunspots , The most recent peak in the number of sunspots , the period known as the solar maximum , was in 1979 — yet according to Livingston solar luminosity was at its lowest two years later , in 1981 .
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