Example sentences of "comes to life " in BNC.

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1 But camp comes to life around that recognition ; it is situated at the point of emergence of the artificial from the real , culture from nature — or rather when and where the real collapses into artifice , nature into culture ; camp restores vitality to artifice , and vice versa , deriving the artificial from , and feeding it back into or as , the real .
2 He 's been sat there all day like a stuffed dummy , then he suddenly comes to life , grabs the dinner and runs off with it trailing between his legs , tripping and stumbling over it in his anxiety to have it all to himself .
3 By night the island really comes to life and everyone should try Ibiza town at least one .
4 By night , Kos really comes to life and boasts two of the best discos in Greece and lots of bars and tavernas to keep you happy well into the early hours of the morning .
5 Top Right — The past comes to life
6 In the evening after a buffet-style meal washed down with free wine , Drago 's Starlight Bar comes to life with live music and cabaret entertainment .
7 By night , the Plaka District comes to life with its wealth of shops and restaurants to tempt passers-by , as the warm night air fills with the aroma of charcoal-grilled meats and the rhythm of bouzouki music .
8 Indeed , the visitor could be forgiven for being a little disappointed , although when it is floodlit at night the theatre very much comes to life .
9 The production is cleverly controlled by Gerardine McDermottroe 's understated direction , and the tone and pace of the 40 minute monologue are skilfully animated to prevent it ever becoming tedious … the poetic torrent of Frank McGuinness ' text comes to life with a terrifying and portentous symbolism for a rivetting piece of drama .
10 Everything comes to life in the summer with the long days , the moon to illuminate the darkness , and the birds calling to each other in the trees .
11 Northampton 's past comes to life in the Central Museum and Art Gallery on Guildhall Road .
12 A full-size figure of Queen Victoria , moving and speaking , comes to life in our Royalty Room , where her nightdress , chemise and silk stockings are on display , along with other items of clothing once owned by members of the Royal Family .
13 But another modern man also comes to life in the eighteenth century : the ‘ collective man ’ .
14 It begins with an attempted rape and a murder , contains scenes of spine-chilling horror when the murder victim 's marble effigy comes to life in the graveyard and then accepts its murderer 's invitation to supper , and ends with the unrepentant libertine being dragged down to hell by demons .
15 Gardiner usefully quotes or paraphrases the lively testimony of many sitters and visitors from a wide variety of sources and it is at these moments that the artist at his most affectionate , considerate , perceptive and even gently self-deprecating comes to life .
16 The punks are almost icons of modern life seen at Easter which is the beginning of the tourist season when Hastings comes to life .
17 Today this forgotten rural haven comes to life again in several delightful ways .
18 The Manor is sited in pleasantly wooden grounds and it is here that Alford truly comes to life on Spring and August Bank Holiday weekends .
19 Jewellery Quarter Discovery Centre — A ‘ time capsule ’ jewellery works little changed since 1914 where traditional skills are demonstrated and the history of the Quarter comes to life .
20 When the rains do finally return and water fills the pond again , the fish , within the space of a few hours , comes to life , wriggles free of its cocoon and the resoftened mud and swims off .
21 This process can be fairly sterile done individually , but it really comes to life when pairs or groups of children discuss the possible answers .
22 And if Iran comes to life , the whole picture in the Middle East will change .
23 The candle reluctantly comes to life .
24 Her large supporting cast never really comes to life , and she allows too many strangely unfocused interruptions to her narrative flow .
25 It occurs to me , mate , this would make a neat scene for some kind of black-comedy gothic-horror viddy ; just before the bit where the dismembered body — equals relics in this case — comes to life , and our hero gets — ;
26 Somewhere in our heads we carry every grief experienced , and in any new loss , each comes to life again .
27 Metal detectors designed especially for the professional and hobbyist markets represent just a tiny fraction of the Garrett electronics empire , but it is in this latter sphere that the Garrett name comes to life .
28 In Du Cubisme they wrote : ‘ A decorative work exists only by virtue of its destination , comes to life only in relationship to determinate objects …
29 Like the statue of the Virgin who put her arms round the young man and put his wedding ring on her finger to be his bride for ever , this pastry man , so scrumptious , sweet-smelling , so delicious to taste , comes to life as you speak and puts his arms around you and you put yours round him … .
30 As he speaks , the line suddenly comes to life again , and flashes over to the starboard side , and then cuts in front of the boat .
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