Example sentences of "herself to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Undoubtedly one of the best ways the overseas student has of seeing what is required in British theatre training is to apply for one of the summer schools offered by the drama schools , and find out what it 's all about before committing him- or herself to a long and expensive stay .
2 Certainly , she was not inclined to trust herself to a system based on gifts and favours .
3 It all began when a woman threatened to tie herself to a willow tree .
4 The big machines are only powered by the ratepayers ' money , and that woman who threatened to tie herself to a willow tree represents thousands upon thousands of ratepayers who share her ( and Constable 's ) convictions about the essential nature of a river .
5 But I followed landmarks — the glade of birch saplings ; the drift of unmelted snow where Kāli had helped herself to a frozen drink : the huge pine tree whose trunk had been gouged to a tenth of its width for jharo .
6 A courtesan was a woman of gifts who attached herself to a great man , and expected to be displayed as a badge of his wealth .
7 She 'd pictured giving herself to a man , but not until the right time and the right one came along .
8 If she lives on her own and poor health has robbed her of a normal social life , it is to be expected that her loneliness may have created such a build-up of unexpressed thoughts , feelings and opinions that she may need to talk herself to a standstill before she is ready to converse with you , and interest herself in anything you have to say .
9 Dr Whelan had spent three years at the Chester Beatty and had devoted herself to a detailed study of this particular Qur'an .
10 Remaining single , she devoted herself to a lifetime of campaigning and was , with Bessie Rayner Parkes , Jessie Boucherett , Barbara Bodichon and others , one of the founder members of an organization specifically designed to find work for women , especially the much-spoken-of " half million extra women " in the population who were statistically unlikely to marry .
11 But however much he hated the thought of allowing Sara to commit herself to a man she had never met , he knew her too well and loved her too much to try to keep her at home against her will .
12 Kate was a woman in every sense of the word , and she was a woman who would not give herself to a man lightly .
13 ‘ Pity she could n't be with us , ’ said Mrs Harper , dangerously : but Shirley had n't the energy to fight back , she helped herself to a spoonful of sage and onion stuffing and sat down to begin her meal .
14 In the morning Alix was about to apply herself to a file of Home Office statistics when the phone rang .
15 She decided to treat herself to a fig from the bowl and found its skin still damp , as though it had been recently washed .
16 She is already six days overdue beyond the expected date of birth , which was 6 October 1992 , and she has now refused , on religious grounds , to submit herself to a Caesarean section operation .
17 Reaching over the ink-black counter , she helped herself to a tumbler of Spanish coñac and drank it between shaking teeth .
18 He watched her place handbag and gloves on his desk , help herself to a cigarette .
19 She had risen this morning with the intention of going into town and meandering among the shops , perhaps treating herself to a new bonnet , or buying Cissie those pretty boots she had so admired some days ago when the two of them had walked up and down Ainsworth Street , browsing in all the shop-windows ; afterwards , Beth might have called in to the delightful tea rooms at the comer of the boulevard .
20 ‘ I think Stephen wanted James to see the site first thing this morning before you took us down to the house , ’ Elaine said , and helped herself to a warm bun which she tore open , spreading it thickly with butter and lime jelly .
21 She helped herself to a slice of banana bread , which she was about to eat as Stephen and James wandered onto the terrace .
22 Elaine handed her friend a bottle of Banks ' and helped herself to a glass of wine .
23 So old Mokosh changed herself to a moorhen and ran through the meadows to the town , and Neva followed her .
24 ‘ Hallo , ’ said the Englishman as she helped herself to a mug of courtesy coffee at the desk .
25 Lydia was resigning herself to a long stretch of celibacy .
26 She thought that Elizabeth was foolish to have married a silent countryman and to have condemned herself to a life of boredom , and that she should have known better .
27 At 16 , she was a size 18 and resigned herself to a life of being obsessed with food .
28 In 1918 , after the vote had been granted to women over thirty , she resigned from the WFL presidency and devoted herself to a range of issues , including the Save the Children campaign , the Indian independence movement , theosophy , the Labour party and the early British Communist party , the London Vegetarian Society , and the Irish Self Determination League .
29 From 1907 Richardson devoted herself to a journalistic career , publishing periodical articles on topics which ranged from literature and politics to dentistry , as well as reviews , sketches , short stories , and poems .
30 Her decision was extremely painful , for Beatrice believed ( as it happened incorrectly ) that she was committing herself to a celibate life for ever :
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