Example sentences of "herself [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 I hate that man , she told herself vigorously when she eventually forced herself to sit down and jigsaw the jumbled fragments of her emotions into place .
2 Maybe that was the basic problem , she told herself wearily as she now stared blindly up at the ceiling .
3 It was a mark of her artistic intelligence and independence that she did not choose to dish up a pot-pourri of well tried favourites for the occasion , drawing attention to herself rather than the music .
4 ‘ Oh , I did n't think you would come , ’ she said , and laughed , not at all a confused laugh , but quiet , and at herself rather than at him , looking down at her cupped hands as she did so .
5 Experience told him that a woman 's natural instinct was to defend herself rather than to hurt the attacker .
6 Such experience had aged her in advance of her years , and Jennifer was sometimes inclined to think that Jill was two or three years older than herself rather than eighteen months younger .
7 For her at this stage , not crying is a great achievement but she hopes that some day she will reach a better balance so that her tears will be for herself rather than to make an impression on others .
8 ‘ He is the man who murdered my father and sister when he attacked Tracy Castle , who made my other sister 's life such a hell that she killed herself rather than endure it any longer , and who then would have forced me to wed him in her place . ’
9 I mean , she 's rejected by the man she loves and drowns herself rather than live without him .
10 Put your foot down , she told herself weakly as he pulled her gently towards him .
11 Marguerite was already there and she too seemed to have pulled herself together because she took charge of the conversation at once .
12 But she still laboured under the apprehension that she had to prove herself better than a famous opponent who has been more successful than any other English singles player of the decade .
13 Not because she considered herself better than the people who were forced by circumstance to reside there , but because she found the atmosphere depressing .
14 She checked herself so as not to rush and then advanced over-slowly , first took up the bottle of rum , poured a glass , then picked up a guinea , seemed , he thought ( and smiled ) to test it , pocketed it , brought him the rum .
15 His sister-in-law kills hers , along with its two small cousins , before swallowing poison herself sooner than surrender to the gas ovens .
16 ‘ You need your eyes tested , ’ she said to herself finally as she trudged on up the steps , the melting ice-creams dripping all over her fingers .
17 She held herself stiffly as the sensuous onslaught of his nearness battled with the frustration and bitterness that were never far from the surface whenever he was there .
18 In doing so she has laid herself low as well .
19 She did it by herself more than anything .
20 The philosopher Sartre believed that , in the act of love-making , the lover becomes at once subject and object — for she sees herself partly as the body desired by the lover .
21 How could she have been foolish enough to let it happen ? she asked herself inwardly as the lift slowed and stopped , and its wide metal doors sighed open .
22 And , if she did n't want to be a burnt-out case , too , she 'd better try and get some sleep , Laura told herself roughly as she slipped into bed and turned off the light .
23 She even detached herself composedly when he was within , to have both hands free to drop the heavy wooden bar into place and fasten the door , and then took him by the hand again to bring him safely to the door of the undercroft , across the uneven stones .
24 A few weeks ago she would have been looking forward to the show , but it had all fallen flat and she had to scold herself severely before she could whip up any enthusiasm at all .
25 And perhaps her friend was right , Lisa thought to herself now as she sank back in her armchair in front of the gas fire , put her feet up at last and took a mouthful of her cocoa .
26 She smiled to herself now as she drove through the outskirts of Edinburgh , eyes fixed like limpets on the black Mercedes in front of her — if she lost sight of Jake now , she was done for !
27 Betty had heard the car stop in the lane and had begun to frighten herself even before she heard someone slip in the stream and swear , long before the knock on the door .
28 She moaned deep in her throat , despising her own weakness , hating herself even as her lips parted beneath his , hungry for more of him .
29 ‘ Loredana said she needed to support herself even though there are n't any children , ’ he said .
30 And she 'd never want to , she reminded herself resolutely as she turned her back on him and walked towards the house , acutely conscious of his eyes following her every step .
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