Example sentences of "herself [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The only reason she had decided to put herself through all this with him was because she had a point to prove — a professional point .
2 ‘ She drew a door for herself through all the barriers I set up around myself and walked in . ’
3 She put herself through many risky experiences on the road , along with some vigorous political activity .
4 She tried to see herself through this man 's eyes , to relive the last couple of hours from his point of view .
5 She would need to be a masochist to put herself through this kind of torment , seeing him every day , working with him , knowing it could never lead anywhere .
6 She tried to reason with herself about this .
7 There would be more photos , but they would be taken as the cruiser pulled away , and she need n't concern herself about those .
8 Did Lucy think of herself as that heterosexually convenient phenomenon , the ‘ non-orgasmic woman ’ ; had sex been awful for her ?
9 She saw herself as such a jolly little girl .
10 Now to see how Mrs Hatton had occupied herself during that particular week .
11 She realised at once that he could be forgiven if he reminded her that she had n't been too sugary herself during that phone call : but he did nothing of the kind , though he did allow himself a small smirk before all trace of a smile went from him .
12 Before his arrival she endeavoured to prepare herself for all exigencies , but this was difficult to do because she had no idea what sort of a man he was going to be .
13 Lisa despised herself for that treacherous reaction .
14 And Lisa hated herself for that .
15 Almost as though to punish herself for that foolishness , she forced herself to look him in the eye and enquire , ‘ So , how is Janice enjoying married life ? ’
16 She hated herself for that , bringing herself down to a spiteful , vengeful , ‘ woman scorned ’ level .
17 She wished she had worn some make-up , then chastised herself for such a feeble thought .
18 She loathed herself for such pettiness , but she was so helplessly without any control over their relationship that pride or all that remained of it demanded that she administer these little pricks to his satisfaction , although she knew she had no hope of succeeding in puncturing it properly .
19 Loss of earnings and career prospects can be a serious matter for someone who knows that she is going to have to support herself for many years after her parents have gone ; and unless the home in which they are living is owned by them , and left to her in their will , she is also going to have to provide accommodation for herself when they die .
20 Another part of Phoebe hated herself for this cynical internal grin , because these were her friends and she was indubitably one of them , and could not imagine being otherwise .
21 She also wanted her own business , and during her years in the trade prepared herself for this by learning as much as she could about bookshop buying , repping and wholesaling , financial administration , rights and coeditions , export sales , publicity , and paid-for promotion .
22 Indeed she did , for having sacrificed herself for this damnable dress material it was no more than commonsense to make certain that no part of it had been damaged or soiled , that she could go to Miss Dallam presently , when she found the strength to get up out of this bed and tidy her hair and her cuts and bruises , as if absolutely nothing had occurred .
23 He sounded as if he was about to simply replace the phone and go , and Jenna had steeled herself for this .
24 She did not want to show Bridget the photograph , and was angry with herself for this uncharacteristic piece of selfishness .
25 All the way home , pedalling furiously , she had been nerving herself for this confrontation .
26 Gee Armytage was yesterday bracing herself for another spell on the sidelines as she recovers from a back injury sustained in the Coral Welsh National .
27 His head dipped towards her , and she braced herself for another of his harsh , punishing kisses , knowing any attempt at escape would be a complete waste of time .
28 Sheila Whelan prepares herself for another day 's work .
29 Among these , Margaret Peggie , a League of Health and Beauty trainer , is a great ‘ fan ’ of Medau work and regularly attended classes herself for several years .
30 But that would still mean the year with the terrible Mother Clare to qualify herself for any kind of work .
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