Example sentences of "herself [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 She shook herself vigorously to throw off the fugginess in her head .
2 Everyone admires her for working so hard , for thrashing herself relentlessly to entertain the troops and keep the fans happy .
3 As she flung herself down to clasp his knees he stood rigid .
4 But on closer investigation it turns out that she has trained herself only to like healthy food .
5 Julia could trust herself only to nod .
6 Infuriated , she forgot herself sufficiently to reach out and prod his knee .
7 Breeze had now recovered herself sufficiently to ask if she might ring up Susan , which she did — explaining where she was , but reserving the details till later .
8 And when she calmed herself sufficiently to face him he had gone .
9 She had raced up to her cabin wondering how she was going to repair herself enough to put in the rest of her shift .
10 She sat in the little café in the High Street , then , having managed to calm herself enough to face the world , she prepared to leave .
11 She raged silently all the way back to the cottage , but it was only when the front door closed behind them that she could trust herself enough to speak .
12 They slept in the first grey twitterings of dawn , Jay tore herself away to hang the prosaic Do Not Disturb sign on the door .
13 His words faded , and he put his hands on her shoulders again and turned her face him , holding her gaze by the sheer power of his will until , steeled and strengthened by her desperate need to break the spell , Merrill wrenched herself away to open the car door .
14 When his kiss only brushed her cheekbone , she pulled herself away to stare into doubt .
15 ‘ I 'm sure she 'll understand , ’ Alice said , willing herself not to touch Harry 's dark curls , not to draw his head against her breast for the comfort she so longed to give him .
16 She told herself not to let negative thoughts take over , but , night after night , her will-power dissolved into helplessness , and when at last she slept , her past life rose before her like a grotesque apparition .
17 He breasted the hill , riding straight for her , coming so close on the great horse that Ruth had to steel herself not to move from the spot .
18 She frowned , her heart thumping erratically , and reminded herself not to do that again .
19 She told herself not to do it , to turn away from him , to get out of the house .
20 He stroked a strand of hair from her face , and Robyn forced herself not to shiver with delight at the gentleness of his touch .
21 She swam and sunbathed , went sightseeing , worked on her designs , talked brightly on the phone with Lucy , or Dad or Charles whenever they rang her , forcing herself not to ask whether Guy had moved in on the firm yet , and then wincing when Lucy said that he 'd made his mark in a dramatic emergency board meeting , put up the backs of most of the board of directors when he announced sweeping measures to increase profitability , cut overheads …
22 She kissed him affectionately on the cheek and dashed off before she could persuade herself not to listen to him .
23 He tapped on the window , and she had to force herself not to cringe as Luke Calder pressed a button on the dashboard and it slid down .
24 The deep-sea eyes never wavered as he gazed directly at her , and she had to force herself not to turn away , aware of the strangest feeling that he could somehow see straight into her mind .
25 He took a step towards her as he started to unbutton his shirt , and she forced herself not to give him the satisfaction of moving away .
26 She took a deep breath , forced herself not to feel intimidated by the exceptionally well-groomed woman who had just entered the boutique , and ventured in .
27 She had been expecting changes and had steeled herself not to resent them .
28 But she had steeled herself not to believe a word that he said .
29 So , for example if somebody does reject a young man in a way that erm is n't appropriate in his eyes , he might then go around and start calling her all sorts of names and generally making other men think of her in bad way , and of course no eighteen year old woman wants young men to think badly of her , and so she puts pressure on herself not to reject advances too openly or too obviously or something like that , and the whole cycle starts again , and so and I think this is the sort of thing the college just can not have anything to do with , because that really is going too far , that 's interfering with the the one thing we could do , perhaps , is talk to the young women and make it clear that they do have the right to reject advances and that what they 've got to be concerned about whilst they 're at university is they 're academic career and making sure that that is n't affected by harassment .
30 She set off down the slope , forcing herself not to run , telling herself again and again that it was all right ; that her fears were unfounded .
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