Example sentences of "parents ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the debit side the church also witnessed a high proportion of reversions , particularly among their young people through the secularising influence of their English education and the fact that they did not share their parents ' nostalgia .
2 At age eleven I had gone away from my parents ' school to a boarding school in Herefordshire , and remembered crying miserably as my mother and father drove off down the drive , leaving me to be looked after by one of the older boys .
3 He washed and shaved at his parents ' pavillon .
4 Jean-Claude made his telephone calls from his parents ' pavillon .
5 I assumed he was off to his parents ' pavillon to make a telephone call .
6 Examples include the Parents ' Campaign for Integrated Education in London ; the Campaign for Choice in Special Education , also based in the Inner London Education Authority ; LINC in Rugby .
7 Herbert 's magnanimity in making do with the smaller bedroom , so that John might have plenty of room for the puppets , made Hanns envious ; the more so , as he had to sleep on a couch in the dining-room of his parents ' boarding-house .
8 Anyone resident in a house could be held liable for the support of other household members , which meant that a wage-earning son or daughter often moved out of the home in order not to diminish the unemployed parents ' entitlement to benefit .
9 the parents ' approach to toilet training and methods of managing the enuresis to determine whether the child has had appropriate opportunity to learn to be dry or whether undue stress and anxiety has been generated
10 The ultimate in the clean break philosophy was the shipping of thousands of deprived children to Canada and Australia , ‘ not all of them orphans and not always with their parents ' knowledge or consent ’ .
11 They picked up scores of children who should have been in class , and found that many stay away from school with their parents ' knowledge and consent .
12 Do n't remember going to bed , but I must have done because I am sitting up in Nigel 's parents ' bed writing my diary .
13 The once-in-a-while reward is often used to deal with disobedience about coming to the parents ' bed in the middle of the night .
14 The print , called ‘ Suspense ’ , hung over my parents ' bed and from a very early age I wished that I could have a dog like that — have a look at the picture of my Nip on page 110 .
15 Climbing into his parents ' bed one morning , and establishing himself firmly between them , he declared that when he grew up he was going to marry his mummy .
16 Waking early in the morning and coming into parents ' bed .
17 As a result , Graham always sleeps in a cot by his parents ' bed .
18 If parents ' distaste for a child 's friend is really caused by social and class differences it would usually be unfair of them to interfere .
19 Another important source of secondary danger clues came from the parents ' life histories : for example , parents who had certain ‘ personality traits ’ , had been abused or ‘ in care ’ themselves as children , had been in regular ‘ trouble ’ as children or/and as adults , were seen as being more likely to harm their children .
20 The parents ' part in the continuity of learning has to be recognized .
21 Part of the parents ' case had rested on the following argument : within the school which the child attended a decision had been taken to include her in a remedial class ; thus , the special educational provision that should be made for her had already been determined ; so a statement ( under section 7(1) of the Act ) should follow .
22 Cheques presented at parents ' night
23 We shall be running a parents ' night , to explain issues of parity of esteem and articulation .
24 backed out of her parents ' drive
25 When we got back from Berlin we spent a week out in the country at Beate 's parents ' weekend cottage .
26 Lest I be accused of caricaturing the West Indian family 's approach to its child 's education , let me add some tempering comments from sportsmen who found their parents ' blend of discipline and encouragement satisfactory .
27 He liked on occasion to talk of his earlier days at his parents ' cottage in Scotland , and it amused him to remember that his sensitive mother could never bring herself to pronounce or write the word ‘ toilet paper ’ which was always , either in speech or on shopping lists , abbreviated simply to T.P.
28 Maybe I 'd set him at ease by saying ‘ g'day ’ , but he looked like he 'd known me all his eight years , and leant quite steadily on me for the drive to Robert 's parents ' cottage , where we arranged photos .
29 His parents ' cottage was restored to make it a suitable birthplace for such a great man .
30 These authorities were made responsible for the ‘ catechetical instruction ’ of children in elementary schools , according to their parents ' denomination .
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