Example sentences of "parents a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But in terms of comparison and competition the professionals who are responsible for one school 's management may now have to justify to governors and to parents a consumption of time which some people might think would be better spent on raising pupils ' performance in a limited field and in ways which are visible , competitive and market-orientated .
2 An interesting introduction to this area can be found in A.G. Davey 's article ‘ Giving Parents a Voice in Multicultural Education ’ .
3 She 'd sided with my parents a couple of years before when I 'd been thinking of a career as an artist , and they were opposed to that …
4 When Nicholas was told to leave the television off , he kept putting it on , and eventually it was left on — to give his parents a bit of peace .
5 Giving parents a measure of choice would , it was argued , be more likely to secure their involvement in the school and in their child 's schooling : ‘ They are more likely to support a school they have freely chosen and to give it the loyalty which is so essential if their children are to do the same . ’
6 In any event , it was clear , when the Education ( Corporal Punishment ) Bill 1985 was being considered by Parliament following the ruling in Campbell and Cosans , that to give parents a choice over whether or not their children should receive corporal punishment was justifiable in principle but practically unworkable .
7 Ministers claim that the clause is designed simply to convey more information to parents and give parents a choice about the educational future of their children .
8 ‘ She also had short periods of respite care to give the parents a break from time to time .
9 Mr Short : There used to be a place in Scotland where kids could go to give parents a break .
10 ‘ It would only be occasional and short term — purely to give my parents a break . ’
11 Consider , for example , an Act of Parliament imposing on parents a duty to maintain their young children .
12 ‘ Yes , I wanted to be nearer home to be able to give my parents a hand with Jennifer .
13 And giving young parents a source of friendly , practical advice .
14 Passed her school exams , played with Georg , helped her mother in the dairy , and never given either of her parents a moment 's worry .
15 Well I 'll , I 'll give your parents a ring then .
16 ‘ He ran away from his parents a month ago , ’ the young woman said .
17 My Lords , this case raises the important question whether the governors of a voluntary aided school which is over-subscribed ( i.e. has more candidates for admission than it can accommodate ) is entitled to operate an admissions policy which gives preference to children of a particular religious persuasion notwithstanding the statutory provisions which give parents a right to send their children to the school of their choice .
18 Section 1 of the Education ( Scotland ) Act 1981 gives parents a right to select the school they wish their children to attend and imposes a duty on education authorities to comply with parental choice , unless one of a limited number of circumstances applies .
19 He sent his parents a letter promising that ‘ if the good Lord God be merciful unto me and bring me safe home again , I will all the days of my life serve Him in praising His Holy name and exhorting others ’ .
20 Almost as soon as he learnt to write , he handed his parents a note which read : ‘ I wish to become a painter . ’
21 Any move which can save young lives while teaching irresponsible parents a lesson is fine by me .
22 ‘ I think it has taught the parents a lot about how much science and technology is studied in an infants ' school , ’ head teacher Judy Nicholls told the Herald .
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