Example sentences of "about in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's weird how influences can come about in such indirect ways .
2 They can be written about in such a way that someone else is able to empathize with them .
3 Not used to rushing about in such a manner , the maid was breathless .
4 As no one , who knows what he is about in good company , would venture to talk all ; — so no author , who understands the just boundaries of decorum and good breeding , would presume to think all : The truest respect which you can pay to the reader 's understanding , is to halve this matter amicably , and leave him something to imagine , in his turn , as well as yourself .
5 The New Testament was born about in many men 's hands … ’ .
6 Whilst oil barons may be prepared to suffer this while oil is in relatively short supply , they will probably adopt a different attitude if demand falls , and this could come about in many ways — perhaps by substantial on-shore reserves being discovered elsewhere in the world .
7 Gorillas move about in small parties usually containing one large adult ‘ grey-back ’ male .
8 That it is wrong , we may learn from the sights all around us : drunken men lying on the ground , cursing and making oaths ; young women lost to the bondage of early motherhood , always pushing children about in small carts , and making oaths ; reckless gamblers who by their own improvidence must sell double-glazing for the prudent man 's windows .
9 The few guests that remained stood about in small , shocked groups .
10 ‘ Where are you ? ’ shouted the Campbell , spinning about in small circles .
11 They sought a change in the terms of the debate and , to a large extent , they succeeded in bringing that about in 1981 .
12 In its citation , the Nobel Committee ( of the Norwegian parliament , which awarded the Peace Prize ) said that it wished to honour Gorbachev for his " many and decisive contributions " to East-West relations and " for the greater openness he has brought about in Soviet society " .
13 I never thought of that , I just think that they were bananas jumping about in stripy pyjamas .
14 The modelling of the subjects is very natural , and the lighting-spread is such that performers can move about in reasonable freedom without running into areas which are over or underlit .
15 It was about er the press and unemployment and it was about the way the effects of unemployment were written about in well broadsheet and popular newspapers , it also involved a bit of a study where I gave people some articles to show which had been typed up in a fairly anonymous format and , and got them to rate them in various ways and that was in , let me see , nineteen eighty three long long time ago
16 The club mascot , a statue of Our Lady Vulnerata ( the wounded Maradona ? ) was hacked about in 1589 by some ( Lord ) Essex supporters on their way back from Cadiz , but still stands in the chapel , a focus of prayer .
17 I know it 's commonsense but unfortunately a lot of people still tend to leave these er objects lying about in easy reach of the young child , okay ?
18 However , it may be that for bipolar disorders there is an inherited deficit , while for milder disorders the deficit may come about in other ways ( Akiskal , 1979 ) .
19 This comes about in two ways .
20 This has been brought about in two ways , first , by specific EEC Directives which insist , for instance , that Britain gives preference to EEC countries with respect to her sales of North Sea oil .
21 It was not the person I had read about in all the papers and magazines . ’
22 Richard was like a gusher of newly tapped oil spraying about in all directions .
23 Its toes are strong enough to hold it on the bark , no matter which way it is facing and it hops about in all directions with sure-footed nimbleness .
24 He suddenly stopped talking and , gazing intently through the semi-darkness to our left , he said excitedly. , ‘ Piper , do you see anything moving about in that field over there ? ’
25 Harold was about eight or nine and he was always playing and running about in that meadow yonder . ’
26 ‘ He ought not to be standing about in that cold church porch ! ’ muttered Meredith as they strode towards him .
27 That 's all there is to it ; nothing to be scared about in that , is there , Bainbridge ? ’
28 ‘ … he 's very depressed … see him when I can … he 's not working … not doing anything , much … still lies about in that appalling house drinking …
29 ‘ Why is he smoking , and waving his arms about in that awful way ? ’
30 " I do dislike them when all the petals turn brown and flap about in that untidy way . "
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