Example sentences of "about in [art] " in BNC.

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1 This was brought about in no small degree by the invention in the 1890s of the safety bicycle which gave a wide cross-section of the population real mobility for the first time .
2 ‘ We 'll have you up and about in no time . ’
3 Likewise , to give the fistula-suffering monarch ( Hugh Ross ) rather more than his fair share of Fisher King-like significance , he is made to stagger about in a stagy , enfeebled agony that could compete with Amfortas 's travails in Parsifal .
4 He seemed to regard the New Testament as a stormy sea in which he was tossed about in a little boat as he explored .
5 A wren or robin scrambled about in a clump of thorns and seemed to be scolding .
6 She had gained the opposite bank and was poking about in a great drifting mass of torn grass and brushwood .
7 So he hung about in a lonely spot one night , just where the other fellow was due to pass by — and well , Bob 's your uncle , as you so succinctly put it .
8 Washington , he said , stood by its commitment to overcome the division of Europe , Germany and Berlin , but this had to come about in a gradual process which satisfied German aspirations and met the ‘ legitimate interests ’ of all concerned .
9 He 'd accept anything that did n't involve stumbling about in a greasy morass of railway tracks .
10 When he stood in the middle of the road waving his arms it was only because he was hungry and wanted his dinner , now you 'll have to trundle him about in a wheelbarrow like a dead sheep , you 'll have no time for skirmishing .
11 I got involved with one of the servants I told you about , that had pawed me about in a cupboard .
12 Schools went in for a lot of physical education , ‘ drill ’ , which involved jumping about in a drafty hall with your skirt tucked into your knickers if you were female .
13 He was thrashing about in a circle , trying to escape and kept shouting , ‘ Help me !
14 Endill left the library and wandered about in a daze .
15 ‘ There ai n't no trains out , around that time ; and a gent like him would hardly hang about in a station buffet !
16 If there are steps , he may need handrails if he is walking , or a ramp if he moves about in a wheelchair .
17 The patient may have to move about in a relatively confined area , so you have to make sure he can do so safely before he begins .
18 ‘ Well , you know how things get about in a small community , ’ said Dimity soothingly .
19 I yelled , flinging my arms about in a style I might have copied from them .
20 I go about in a wheelchair and someone who pushes it very often goes into a shop and says , ‘ Look here , you have bought rather a lot of things I think you had better give a cheque for them — now I ? I write the cheque out , dear , and you shall sign it . ’
21 He admired Tiller , describing him as a genius at organizing and directing his Girls but also noting that John ordered everyone about in a dictatorial way .
22 For instance , management could have recognised right from the outset that the machinists had a vital role to play and not left this to be argued about in a battle with the computer staff .
23 As it hisses in its fake-snake manner , following the spit , it completes the illusion by thrashing its tail about in a serpentine way .
24 After eating its mouse , the cat may start to vomit , froth at the mouth and stagger about in a confused condition .
25 It would seem that great pains were taken to ensure that the potential division among Incomer/Shetlander lives would not be spoken about , and that if it was spoken about in a public forum , the arrival of incomers would be made to look less ominous .
26 For her efforts , Riddler wins an exemption from military service for her son , Attila , a delicate type who slopes about in a dressing gown , wringing his hands .
27 The owners of Flokati were showing Mavis and Walter Bricknell-type behaviour , fluttering about in a nervous anxiety that would be bound to affect the horse if it went on too long .
28 So I tried the RSPCA inspector , but it seemed he was more concerned with a cow wandering about in a shopping mall in Carmarthen .
29 At home , I mooched about in a pair of basketball boots mended with a bicycle repair kit , eating ketchup on bread , and staring at a wart on my finger the size and texture of a tiny cauliflower .
30 ‘ Office girls were screaming uncontrollably and walking about in a daze with blood pouring from them , ’ said witness Helen Millican .
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