Example sentences of "indeed for the " in BNC.

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1 That two dozen of these interiors are in buildings statutorily ‘ listed ’ for their special architectural or historic interest say much for the low regard paid to pubs in the exercise of listed building control and indeed for the listing process itself .
2 It is rash indeed for the historian to turn prophet .
3 The rest is up to the children , music included ; as Runswick and music director Terry Edwards discovered on their rounds of the schools at an earlier stage in the project , the teachers had only to supervise , rarely to prompt or invent-solid preparation indeed for the GCSE 's new emphasis on composition .
4 Tension would then have been growing by the hour , and it must have been hard indeed for the men to keep themselves from being overstressed by apprehension and excitement .
5 Since the proclamation of Czech independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918 , the castle has sheltered the president of the Czech Republic , and you may have to make way for an enfilade of black limousines or indeed for the changing of the guard every hour in their colourful new uniforms .
6 Hearings and appeals became part of the pattern of life for the families , their legal advisers , their friends and supporters , and indeed for the press and media corps that were reporting what was happening to the outside world .
7 Planning for the rest of 1992 , and indeed for the foreseeable future , will be driven b ; y the Canadian Rugby Union 's new mission statement : ‘ To develop the potential of rugby in Canada to maintain our competitive position in the top eight countries in the world . ’
8 For example , it may be used by the banking ‘ arm ’ to the advantage of favoured customers or indeed for the banks own account .
9 However , it is very rare indeed for the question about the inappropriate use of acute beds by younger patients to be raised .
10 The controversies surrounding the policy have , therefore , a fundamental importance for the discussion of local government services , and indeed for the nature of local government itself .
11 Not only was Nantes the largest town in Brittany , it was also an important sea-port , indeed for the Angevins a vital one .
12 A serious issue indeed for the Committee given that literature is to be the central instrument for furthering its cultural programme .
13 I think this is detracting , I think it 's inconsiderate , it certainly shows a lack of respect for one 's neighbours or indeed for the town one lives in and yet very often I 'm fully aware of the fact that the people who do the dropping are the first to complain that the Council does n't keep the town clean .
14 A true separatist movement on the French side would be bad indeed for the local economy .
15 The contrast between nature and architecture here was too much indeed for the ungenerous Hippolyte Taine , who came here on his Journey to the Pyrenees in the middle of the last century and wrote that ‘ One finds it grotesque that a bit of hot water should have brought cuisine and civilization into these declivities . ’
16 And indeed for the rest of the evening she felt a little better .
17 Indeed for the refusal of food and drink there are a range of different visual signals : in different societies this may be signalled by putting a hand over a glass , by putting one 's knife and fork in a particular way or by shaking one 's head in a particular manner .
18 And indeed for the first few weeks there is a manic response of getting up at the usual time and finding things to do , but which gradually subsides into grief and depression .
19 He was blamed for being too lax a disciplinarian , and indeed for the defeat on the snap ‘ cordite ’ vote on 21 June 1895 which saw the government resign .
20 If , however , the company or the chargee fails to do so the consequences are grave indeed for the chargee ; in effect , he loses his security .
21 Very many thanks indeed for the copy of Edward Barnsley .
22 Thank you very much indeed for the smelly duck — or should I say scented , it is such a nice smell ! — and for the pretty scarf which , you may be surprised to hear , Mark admired when I was wearing it the other day though he had n't realized it was new and from you !
23 Thank you very much indeed for the gift which arrived yesterday .
24 I think it would be extremely prudent of you to keep a very low profile indeed for the next few days . ’
25 The full benefits of price stability and statutory independence for the European central bank , and indeed for the Bank of England — that must be a necessary institutional corollary — will be enjoyed only if a future Government and Parliament agree in good time to adopt a single European currency .
26 Sludds , winner of the title in 1984 , has been struggling unsuccessfully to make an impression on the European tour , but now looks a very good bet indeed for the £10,000 first prize in the Irish Championship .
27 President , I 've , er , had lots of advice from my colleagues as to how to respond to the comments of the shop stewards er , I can only respond and say thank you very much indeed for the kind things they 've said particularly , erm , specific point that 's been raised on the industry from my colleagues that are from the Midlands and East Coast the situation currently is that , er , we have decided to ballot for industrial action in E C C and the T & G have decided to ballot for industrial action in , I think its .
28 If the tax-transfer system creates a budget constraint that is nonlinear and non-convex , then it is possible for more than one tangency with an indifference curve to arise , and indeed for the same indifference curve to have two tangency points , and small changes in the budget constraint can cause the chosen number of hours to jump from one segment of the constraint to another ( e.g.points 6 and 7 in Fig. 12–2(c) ) .
29 Now if that is correct perhaps a minister could say so and clear in explicit terms er because it is very , very important because increasingly er a number of firms act in er in er in in both capacities and indeed for the large firms I think many of us are aware of the difficulty that 's now arising and there are only half a dozen very large accountancy firms that are capable of providing accounting and auditing services in this country and indeed most of them are beneficiaries of this government 's largesse in awarding public service contracts er to a surprising degree and so the government will be well aware of the problem .
30 As my honourable friend said from the front bench , the Labour party is absolutely firmly committed now both by the voices of the leadership and the votes and the resolutions at our party conference that we are in favour of a proportional representation system for the European parliament and I hope that when the elections come Mr Deputy Speaker , and people will be arguing about why they 're voting for Europe on June the ninth in one boundary as opposed to another and why they 've got erm erm different rules for this election of course as indeed for the last European election because the registration will be different , allowing all kinds of erm how can I put it foreigners in inverted commas , to vote in our elections in this country because it is the European elections that we will actually put the point across that er for the future there will be different arrangements made indeed .
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