Example sentences of "working in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I believe it is especially important that ACET represents the Church working in the front line to provide real and practical support .
2 This used to be a lot easier to do than it is now : for one thing , working in the profession means that you have to belong to the actors ' union , Equity .
3 A rich restoration character , not recommended unless there is some reasonable experience working in the style .
4 What do you feel about working in the more modern style of play after your classical work with Stratford ?
5 What do think is the most important thing for an actor to keep uppermost in mind when working in the profession ?
6 There were an awful lot of nice people working in the building , but there is sometimes a certain tone in your voice , a clouded look in your eye , which gives the impression that you 're more likely to be a client than a colleague .
7 Her nan had lost her hearing working in the textile m ills .
8 Local radio sports editor , Tony Delahunty , microphone in hand , was working in the commentary box , which was located in the main stand , offering live reports to regional stations , servicing the needs of local radio .
9 This necessitated their removal from the West Country branches while those units working in the Northern conurbations needed their wheel treads reprofiling more frequently , causing another temporary source of low availability for there was a shortage of replacement wheels .
10 A choreographer working in the classical style is wise to conform to the traditional principles and rules found valuable through years of experience .
11 There followed three years in a furniture factory and 10 years working in the architectural practice of Sheppard Robson , where he was involved in educational buildings , including the chapel of Churchill College , Cambridge .
12 The rig was working in the ‘ V ’ Field complex of gas fields opened in September 1988 .
13 The Save the Children Fund , which was working in the camps , made a report which exposed the scandal of the Ethiopian camps .
14 Moved to rectify this situation , he abandoned plans of working in the missionary field , and offered his services to the Netherlands Indies civil service .
15 At any one time five were working in the Criminal Division and in the Queen 's Bench Divisional Court .
16 When I got to London Chrissie was no longer working in the shop .
17 It was open to everybody , but clearly it was convenient for people working in the place .
18 Often when talking with the girls she had noticed that whenever Moran entered the room silence and deadness would fall on them ; and if he was eating alone or working in the room setting the teeth of a saw , putting a handle in a broken spade on a wet day , taking apart the lighting plant that never seemed to run properly for long — they always tried to slip away .
19 Anyway , Burkha or no Burkha , one has to work , cutting the fodder , cleaning out the cowsheds , working in the fields at harvest time and then cooking and cleaning — and so many other tasks .
20 Some were deadly serious about working in the car industry .
21 Do you enjoy working in the theatre ?
22 • a person on a normal routine working in the daytime ; • a night-worker ; • somebody with a very irregular life-style ; • a new-born baby ; • a watchkeeper on a merchant ship .
23 The Sergeant Ammunition Technician RAOC working in the depot was first on the scene , and managed to evacuate the driver and passenger of the vehicle by German Fluey helicopter to the AMF(L) Italian Field Hospital .
24 He joins Michel Roux as one of only two MOFs working in the UK .
25 We need to continually spotcheck that we are living and working in the light of that assumption .
26 Our dad loves walking over the fields when he comes home tired from working in the city .
27 Sweden goes furthest , with legislation focusing on informers ' rather than journalists ' rights , and imposing an obligation on those working in the media to protect sources of confidential information .
28 THE 15-week ambulance dispute moved into a new area of confrontation yesterday as non-emergency workers in Surrey were threatened with the sack unless they returned to normal working in the new year .
29 I was aware of the fact that there had been what seemed like 20 people working in the office and then it was suddenly dwindling down to a skeleton staff .
30 Lightly knead the dough on a floured surface , working in the candied peel , raisins and sultanas .
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