Example sentences of "long been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This form of mimicking was described by the great biologist Henry Bates in the l9th century ; and such Batesian mimicry has long been of interest , particularly to students of evolution .
2 These halfway conditions have long been of interest , though until recently mainly among psychoanalysts or other writers outside mainstream psychiatry .
3 The prisoner 's dilemma — a game where two players have to decide whether to co-operate with each other or cheat — has long been of great interest to economists .
4 These are questions that have long been of concern .
5 Emily had taken her revenge swiftly , severing the ties that had long been between the Grenfells and the Morgans .
6 Britain has proved to be one of the least ‘ community-minded ’ members of the EEC and has for long been at odds with other states about the level of British contributions to the EEC budget .
7 California has long been at the green cutting edge , and had the bill been passed , other states and possibly nations may have followed in its wake .
8 Litigants were likely to be neighbours who had long been on hostile terms .
9 The Pontormo , a Mannerist masterpiece painted in 1537 , belonged to the late Chauncey Stillman and had long been on loan to the Frick collection in New York .
10 Reform of the rating system has long been on the political agenda .
11 Thus the death in 1751 of the Prince of Wales , who had long been on bad terms with his father , led to a virtual collapse for the time being of all political opposition .
12 Like the poor themselves , the inner city has long been with us .
13 Concern has for too long been with problems of stylistic chronological placement and historical continuity between and among archaeologically defined units .
14 His deterioration through Alzheimer 's Disease with its abundant frustrations had long been for him a physical and mental martyrdom .
15 This is a much older problem and one which precedes the rise of environmentalism , because in addition to the environmental lobby the exclusive rights of the farmer have long been under threat from another source — the massed ranks of the urban population , intent on using the countryside as a source of recreation and determined to gain access to what they consider to be semi-public territory .
16 But the essence of re-engineering — taking a strategic view of the component functions of a business , stripping some out and streamlining others with inter-disciplinary teams and more effective use of technology — has long been under way in a number of companies .
17 Since Mr Lawson has long been in favour of a stable exchange rate — and since industry has enthusiastically supported him , by expressing its enthusiasm for membership of the European Monetary System — it is ill-placed to argue against an increase in base rates at a time when sterling was threatening to fall below three marks , although the Confederation of British Industry has predictably grumbled that the rise was unnecessary .
18 ‘ Red Ellen ’ had long been in the public eye — notably as the figure at the head of the Jarrow March in 1936 bearing down upon London to protest against the enormity of unemployment .
19 I got on the vehicle but the driver had not long been in fourth gear when I came to my senses .
20 Mrs Rouncewell 's son , Watt , who has long been in love with Rosa , eventually marries her .
21 Wrathfully indignant at his mother 's lack of appreciation of his efforts as a mechanic , an idea which had long been in his mind , that of writing a novel , had crystallized .
22 Fortunately the city has long been protected by the sorcerous Shifting Isles but its ability to defend itself in the event of a serious invasion has long been in doubt .
23 I had long been in favour of CVRs but like many other people I was very dissatisfied with the quality , particularly the clarity of the only really useful part of the recording — that from the area microphone on the first channel .
24 Chinese rugs have long been in tune with Western colour schemes , and a growing number of Anatolian groups are now producing traditional and Caucasian designs in much softer shades .
25 These sectors had long been in decline — reflecting the decline of the UK as a world economic power — so the people of these regions did not have the buying power to attract the new consumer goods industries .
26 Certainly the phrases " the Bleiburg Massacre " and " the Bleiburg Tragedy " have long been in currency , and have been used by historians sympathetic to the Croats such as Prcela and Guldescu in Operation slaughterhouse : Eyewitness Accounts of Post-war Massacres in Yugoslavia ( Dorrance , 1970 ) .
27 The Kirkwoods had to sell their horses , had to endure the slow oncoming tread of gentility in all its shabbiness , to watch the encroaching , ever-drawing-near of the Irish natives who had long been in the tenure and service of the Great House , and now never would be again .
28 ‘ He had long been in a bad state of health , which he took no care to repair but on the contrary lived in such a manner as greatly promoted the disorders he had had long upon him , this brought on the Flux which put a period to his life ’ ( Cook ) .
29 The principles of variation ornamentation , thematic reshaping , and so on — had long been in common use .
30 Moreover , NAB had not long been in existence before , in July 1982 , the Secretary of State announced his intention of reorganizing initial teacher training , involving substantial reductions in secondary training in public sector institutions via the B.Ed .
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