Example sentences of "god [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 God hates it above all things .
2 The first is God made it .
3 ‘ Exactly as God made it . ’
4 Let me just it 's nothing special , it 's only a circle , but if you were to take that for a , as , as an example if you like as a picture of God 's purposes for us , you see the circle is , is , geometrical it 's , it 's , it 's perfect , there is nothing that is odd about it , there is nothing er , there 's no difference about it , it is perfect and that was God 's purpose and God 's plan for you and for me , that our , that our time , our being should be perfect in , in harmony with him , you think of all the things in your life personally , and then think of all the things in the , in the life of your com of our community , those things that mar it , those things that spoil it , those things that stop today be the perfect day for you that 's not God 's purpose for you they 've all come as a product , a direct result of sin , it was n't how God intended it , it was n't how God made it , his plan , his purpose for you and for me was to live and to dwell together with him in perfect harmony for ever , and there
5 Yet God planned it differently .
6 Later we will consider exploring this dimension to the full potential God created it to have .
7 And the answer came into my mind , ‘ ’ It lasts and ever shall because God loves it . ’
8 The second is God loves it .
9 The third degree is not felt to be acquired by effort but given by grace , " God gyfes it til wham he wil , bot noght withouten grete grace comand before " ( 8.106.75 – 6 ) .
10 God wants it , Mr Featherston . "
11 and John one in verse twelve it says but as many have received him , to them he gave the right , the authority , the , the power , to become children of God , even to those who believe on his name and this of course is what making our commitment to Christ is , it 's receiving him for ourselves , it 's plugging in , it 's saying yes I have n't got that power myself , I am not able to do it I need you to come and do it for me , I accept that you have that power , you have that authority , you have dealt with my sin and I receive it for me , we trust Christ to save us from sin and commit ourselves to his kingly ruling our lives , we are as the bible says then , born again , new creations , we are made alive in Christ , I give you one verse in Colossians and in chapter three , verse four it says when Christ who is our life is revelled , then you also no sorry verse , verse three , verse three , sorry for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God but you say that 's all very well that , that brings me into the place of becoming a follower of Jesus yes I 've accepted him , but what about all this pressures here , Christ I , I 'm willing to receive them and to make the centre of my life , I 've received that he died for me , but what about all those things that 's twisting and marring and distorting my life , that 's rubbing me , my life can be more , God wants it to be , well that 's the great thing when Jesus comes , he does n't just come and sit down and that 's all there is to it , but he comes in by the holy spirit and as Christ is the centre of our life so he , as we submit to him and to his authority as we become obedient to his word , doing what he tells us , what he says for us , then the power of his spirit in our life starts operating , God the holy spirit , cos that 's how we become Christians , we are born again of God spirit and God Christ was in us , not the man who walked here on Galilee , he is a man in glory , but he comes into your life and into my life by the holy spirit and he gives us new spiritual resources which help us to overcome those influences of evil that are pressing in on us and trying to , to , to , to distort our lives and depress it into its mould , those things that have spoiled our lives , he gives us spiritual power and spiritual resources over them .
12 ‘ While you are waiting for God to write it down for you in capital letters , ’ Anna had shouted finally , exasperated out of all diplomacy , ‘ I shall decide for you both .
13 When we help them God sees it as helping him ; when we are kind to them , God counts it as a kindness done to him , and so on .
14 God says it is theirs whether they want it or not .
15 This gentle admonition did little to still the clamour of unilateralists in the churches ; yet there must surely be many Christians who have retained enough faith in divine Providence to believe that the world will not end unless God wills it and that , if He does , it will be for the best .
16 I tell you , after a long life of many escapes , many dramas which might have been tragedies , what I want and would value most is to be free to choose as much of my life as is given to me — to live it by my own lights , Mary , to do , insofar as God wills it , what I want to do to the very hilt and limit . ’
17 ‘ If God wills it , perhaps .
18 We shall save Scone if God wills it .
19 The spirit of God reveals it to him … ‘
20 And neither bribe nor threat will budge him from the truth as God reveals it to him .
21 When we help them God sees it as helping him ; when we are kind to them , God counts it as a kindness done to him , and so on .
22 Is that the way that God intends it ?
23 The mere fact that people are convinced that freedom , for example , is a good thing , even that God desires it for us , does not make it more than wishful thinking .
24 I 'm a scientist , a scientist , God damn it all !
25 God damn it , he was thinking , this dying business is difficult .
26 This book from Martina — we split lunch , so it 's a present , a proper present , God damn it .
27 Go on , God damn it , and give me the right stuff this time around . "
28 God damn it , Slick , fly right . "
29 " Where 's her script , God damn it ? "
30 ‘ No more , God damn it ! ’
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