Example sentences of "ago as [art] " in BNC.

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1 The measurement of length , area , distance , weight , and such like , was achieved long ago as an integral part of day-to-day practical activities , and later to be refined within the context of modern science .
2 As long ago as the late nineteenth century , Robert Elliot in co-operation with James Hunter , the seeds- man , had developed his Clifton Park System of farming , in which the deep-rooting , herbal ley was the cornerstone on which soil structure and fertility were built .
3 As long ago as the seventeenth century worries have been expressed about the inadequacies of official libraries .
4 Fishing was Grimsby 's raison d'être as long ago as the thirteenth century , and it is the oldest chartered ( i.e. granted written rights and privileges by the king ) town in England .
5 From East Ham and Woolwich , upstream through Greenwich , Deptford and Rotherhithe , Isle of Dogs , Limehouse , Wapping and Stepney , the great system of commercial docks begun in the Middle Ages stretches along the Thames where , as long ago as the Roman occupation , the estuary 's great potential was realised .
6 AS LONG AGO as the 19th century , Franz Brentano argued that mind is essentially intentional , and that conscious states always require cognitively-held objects , even though these may not exist in the physical world .
7 Fragments of lacquerware have been excavated dating from as long ago as the Shang Dynasty ( from about 1700 to about 1000 BC ) , but it was during the Han Dynasty ( 206 BC to AD 220 ) that lacquer painting flourished .
8 As long ago as the twelfth century there appeared in the early bestiaries an illustration of a cunning fox feigning death , surrounded by birds .
9 As long ago as the first century A.D. , the Roman author Pliny , in his monumental Natural History , suggested that placing branches of this shrub around an object would keep cats away from it .
10 As long ago as the second century A.D. , the Roman historian Lucius Coelius recorded that , when he was free from his studies and more weighty affairs , he was not ashamed to play and sport himself with his cat .
11 As long ago as the fifth century B C , Hippocrates had stated that there were two methods of treating disease .
12 Here , in the suburbs of the Metropolis , members of the extended family whose ancestors had parted company down in Wiltshire as long ago as the late 16th century found neighbouring resting places .
13 That brought him within a mile or two of Stoke St Gregory , down the steep incline and on to the Levels , where a family of Titfords had once made their home as long ago as the end of the 16th century .
14 Trafalgar shares have slumped from a peak of £3.96 three years ago as the recession has bitten into profits .
15 At one time it was thought that this was because the dunnock was a recent cuckoo host , but Chaucer 's reference in The Parlement of Foules makes it clear that the dunnock was a popular cuckoo host as long ago as the 14th century .
16 For some , this depth is seen as having imposed an institutional bias and rigidity on the economy from as long ago as the late nineteenth century .
17 As long ago as the ‘ work to contract , ’ juniors were negotiating and acting independently , although they needed the sanction of the BMA council to make their action legal , as did the consultants .
18 A powerful challenge to such approaches was made as long ago as the 1930s by Professor E. E. Evans-Pritchard who lived with and studied the Azande of Central Africa , a technologically simple society whom Europeans therefore tended to assume were intellectually simple as well .
19 This was established as long ago as the year 1802 by William Herschel , one of the greatest observers who has ever lived .
20 Born in Limerick a year and a half ago as The Cranberry Saw Us ( shudder ) the three boys decided that they wanted a girl to call their own .
21 Deforestation , whether to clear the ground for pasture or to produce timber and fuel , was a worry in these parts of the Pyrenees as long ago as the seventeenth century , when the prescient minister Colbert sent an eminent forester from Paris to report on the local resources in wood ; but it is only quite recently that felling and replanting have been properly controlled .
22 The foregoing justification of induction is quite unacceptable , as David Hume conclusively demonstrated as long ago as the mid-eighteenth century .
23 As long ago as the late nineteenth century Ravenstein ( 1885 ) had formulated seven general laws of migration which placed a good deal of emphasis on rural depopulation .
24 However , the effects of urban growth on rural communities had been recognized as long ago as the late 1930s , when Ashby ( 1939 ) argued that the unbalanced age structure and uneconomic service provision caused by rural depopulation had been offset by the spread of urban population into the rural areas in the inter-war years .
25 ‘ If all this happened as long ago as the Doctor suggests — ’ Benny thought aloud .
26 As long ago as the 1960s the possibility of this form of cursor control was being looked at by the Stanford Research Institute in California and the first mouse was patented in 1970 .
27 As long ago as the 1880s , W. Pfeiffer , in Germany , dipped a thin capillary tube containing glucose into a drop of liquid containing bacteria , and observed that the bacteria tended to collect at the mouth of the capillary .
28 Although as long ago as the early 1970s it had been shown that protein synthesis inhibitors were without effect on habituation and sensitization , it was not until the mid-1980s that Kandel turned his attention to the longer-term cellular processes .
29 An earlier wharf there had been used as long ago as the mid 17C. to off-load haematite brought up from Low Furness mines for the le Fleming family 's iron forge on Church Beck .
30 As long ago as the 1930's Zipf was investigating the statistical nature of language ( Zipf , 1936 ) .
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