Example sentences of "yesterday that the " in BNC.

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1 Hill Samuel said yesterday that the plan to put Ferranti 's naval and avionics businesses into a separate company and to merge it with another UK defence company , thought to be Thorn EMI , is to be investigated further .
2 Thabo Mbeki , the ANC 's external relations director , who led the movement 's delegation , said in Washington yesterday that the talks were informal .
3 Vadim Perfilyev , the Foreign Ministry spokesman , said yesterday that the contested region of Nagorny Karabakh , at the heart of the Azeri-Armenian conflict , was almost completely paralysed by the blockade .
4 A TOKYO court ruled yesterday that the Japanese Education Ministry was within its rights to ban a textbook which detailed Japanese war atrocities , even though the court could n't fault any of the assertions made by the author .
5 LABOUR delegates were warned yesterday that the party would lack electoral credibilty if it promised increases in public spending which could only be met by higher borrowing or taxes .
6 Dr Grant said yesterday that the accident and emergency department would not be closing , not least because surrounding hospitals appeared unable to take the load .
7 There were three official assurances yesterday that the inquiry by John Stevens , Deputy Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire , into security force collusion with loyalists is proceeding apace .
8 Fears deepened yesterday that the West German Bundesbank might lift its key lending rates by as much as one full point — a move which could prompt a rise in UK base rates , now 14 per cent .
9 MANILA ( Reuter ) — President Corazon Aquino of the Philippines said yesterday that the body of Ferdinand Marcos still had a ‘ malignant power ’ that could be used by her opponents to seize power .
10 But the investigators said yesterday that the explosive could have been illegally packed into the hold as part of the cargo , without a detonator .
11 THE US Secretary of State , James Baker , hinted yesterday that the US withheld military support for Tuesday 's failed coup in Panama because it believed it had little chance of success .
12 He said yesterday that the share of urban land in the South-east would grow by about 1 per cent , at the expense of rural land .
13 Sotheby 's stated categorically yesterday that the under-bidder had no association with the company .
14 John Payson , who sent the picture for sale at Sotheby 's , said yesterday that the bidding had gone well past his minimum .
15 Sir Robert Scholey , the chairman of British Steel , conceded yesterday that the move was largely a defensive one to prevent the business falling into the hands of an overseas predator .
16 A police spokesman said yesterday that the Student Representative Council 's president , Arthur Mutambara , and its secretary , Enock Chikweche , whose arrests early on Wednesday prompted the violence , could face charges of organising an ‘ illegal meeting ’ .
17 The Chancellor , Nigel Lawson , insisted yesterday that the economy was unlikely to slip into recession because of higher base rates as long as UK companies controlled their costs .
18 Concern continued yesterday that the Chancellor might not be able to guarantee that 15 per cent base rates were the peak if sterling came under pressure again .
19 Meanwhile US figures indicated yesterday that the US economy may be weakening , lifting hopes of a Fed easing .
20 Military experts suggested yesterday that the US was hoping its troops would be attacked by the pro-Noriega forces , allowing Washington to claim that it was attacked first and forced to intervene .
21 The Department of Education and Science said yesterday that the Government had spent £19.7m on CTCs and there was a further planned expenditure over the next three years of £106.2m .
22 The ruling in Strasbourg yesterday that the complaints are admissible clears the way for a future hearing before the European Court of Human Rights in up to two years ' time .
23 THE NUNS in Northamptonshire who are battling to save their 5,000 chickens from slaughter said yesterday that the Ministry of Agriculture had changed its story over the type of salmonella responsible for the outbreak of food poisoning which led to the flock being tested .
24 It was confirmed yesterday that the meeting scheduled for Doncaster on 27 October is to be transferred to Carlisle .
25 Partly as a result , there was growing market speculation yesterday that the Prime Minister might reconsider her strong objections to sterling 's membership of the exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System .
26 ( First Edition ) The first international conference to discuss openly air disaster contingency plans was told yesterday that the recent spate of major incidents , including the Lockerbie and Kegworth tragedies , has led to a review of emergency tactics .
27 Until now Mr Honecker has rejected any idea of change , but Kurt Hager , 77 , East Germany 's oldest and most authoritative Communist ideologue , said yesterday that the party 's immediate task was to work out ‘ a precise idea as to how to bring about a necessary renewal ’ .
28 THE MANAGING director of Eurotunnel , Tony Ridley , made it clear yesterday that the Government is ultimately responsible for the Channel tunnel rail link and has a duty to see the project completed successfully .
29 The Druze leader , Walid Jumblatt , said in Amman yesterday that the Taif deal would not bring peace to Lebanon and that , although he did not intend to block it , he would not accept it either .
30 She said yesterday that the three-bedroom property was capable of sleeping five people comfortably .
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