Example sentences of "wanted leave [art] " in BNC.

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1 I wanted to leave a bit for next time , ’ he declared .
2 ‘ Jack wanted to leave a message and take me back to the auberge .
3 At this point , I desperately wanted to leave the room .
4 Rose wanted to leave the washing-up for morning but the girls insisted on getting it over with .
5 Shaun confessed to me loads of times that he wanted to leave the band because it was n't a good living and he did n't enjoy it that much .
6 By the spring of 1953 Leathers and Cherwell wanted to leave the Government .
7 The book has a satisfying pattern and a unity one would n't expect in anything covering that span of years and when Simon , at the end , wanted to leave the creeper as it was , the wheel had turned full circle .
8 ‘ By the hour I was getting reports coming through to me that the princess wanted to leave the Royal Family .
9 He asked why MPs wanted to leave the Standard in foreign hands .
10 " I want to know what you 're up to , " he said , and I do n't think he believed me when I told him I was only trying to find out whether there were any rabbits who wanted to leave the warren .
11 She stood before them , bending her knees and crossing her legs like a schoolgirl desperate to convince teacher she wanted to leave the room .
12 At that time the old doctrines of the need for democratic control were still strong and an argument arose between those , such as Mr Aneurin Bevan , who favoured total subordination to Parliament ( with a minister for each industry on the lines of the Post Office ) , and those led by Mr Herbert Morrison , who wanted to leave the industries a measure of independence to operate as fully commercial undertakings .
13 Moreover , it was I who wet my finger to test the wind and pointed out that , even if he wanted to leave the game , it would be no use .
14 She wanted to leave the room but it did n't seem polite .
15 I just wanted to leave the tent , but as this was not possible due to the weather outside , I snuggled down in my sleeping bag and tried to make myself comfortable on the hard , stony ground .
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