Example sentences of "shall [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here we shall restrict the term to those aspects of language structure that encode the social identities of participants ( properly , incumbents of participant-roles ) , or the social relationship between them , or between one of them and persons and entities referred to .
2 " This Meeting being informed that Cart Drivers are very inattentive as to their Conduct upon the road with Carts It is now recommended that all Travellers upon the road shall take to the Left in all situations , and that when a Traveller upon the road shall loose a shew of his horse , the Parochial Blacksmith shall be obliged to give preference to the Traveller . "
3 For it shall strew the footsteps of my rising .
4 You shall eat no blood whatever ( 7:26 ) : the reason is given in 17:10–14 ; and see article " The Meaning of Blood Sacrifice " .
5 Graffiti says : ‘ We shall eat the Arabs out of tins . ’
6 ‘ We shall eat the giant as its people ate our people , ’ said the Oak and regarded Floy and Snodgrass steadily .
7 And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons , and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat . ’
8 We shall explain the term eutectic below .
9 ‘ He shall paint the story of our wanderings and of our death . ’
10 In an attempt to do so , Britain pointed to a General Declaration attached to the Single European Act , which says , ‘ Nothing in these provisions shall affect the right of Member States to take such measures as they consider necessary for the purpose of controlling immigration … ’
11 Nothing in this Policy or in any document thereon shall affect the right of any person indemnified by this Policy or of any other person to recover an amount under or by virtue of the provisions of the law of any territory in which the Policy operates relating to the insurance of liability to Third Parties .
12 Nothing in this Policy or in any Endorsement thereon shall affect the right of any person indemnified by this Policy or of any other person to recover an amount under or by virtue of the provisions of the law of any territory in which the Policy operates relating to the insurance of liability to Third Parties .
13 ‘ Nothing in this section shall affect the duties or liabilities 3–32 of either seller or buyer as a bailee or custodier of the goods of the other party . ’
14 ‘ Nothing in section 4 ( 1 ) above shall affect the determination of any issue , or prevent the admission or requirement of any evidence , relating to a person 's previous convictions or to circumstances ancillary thereto —
15 An existing protocol to the Treaty effectively excluded this , declaring : " Nothing in the Treaty … shall affect the application in Ireland of Article 40.3.3 of the Constitution of Ireland [ guaranteeing the " equal right to life " of both mother and foetus ] " .
16 54 ( 2 ) Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this Part of this Act shall affect the creation by parol of leases taking effect in possession for a term not exceeding three years ( whether or not the lessee is given power to extend the term ) at the best rent which can be reasonably obtained without taking a fine .
17 We shall distinguish the three layers just indicated , and on each shall contrast an analysis which proceeds ‘ top-down ’ ( from system to unit ) with one which proceeds ‘ bottom-up ’ ( from unit to system ) .
18 In the remainder of this section we shall compare the use made of the network variable in three very different studies .
19 Before discussing the main difference between the actions of Walter and Stein I shall compare the actions of Walter and Cristofori and describe how some Viennese builders resolved the problem of the check .
20 For convenience we shall compare the systems under four main headings , with indirect taxes considered first in each case .
21 We shall compare the writing and revising skills of the students in the three groups during , immediately after and six months after the training .
22 And I shall dip the fruit in the wine and feed them to you .
23 ‘ I shall dip the strawberries in wine and feed them to you … and your lips will be all red with the stain … ’
24 I shall build a great fire , and lie down on it to die .
25 If their vanity in pursuit of the prize should carry them away , they will be suitably chastised in the words of Psalm 124 : ‘ Except the Lord shall build the house , they labour in vain that build it . ’
26 Instead we shall build the evening round ‘ An Embarrassment of Riches ’ ; the Museum 's gallery of European Decorative Art 1200–1800 , the newly opened gallery Western Decorative Art : 1850 Towards 2000 and new displays of enamels , silver , arms and armour , iron work and plaster casts on the newly decorated back stairs .
27 Akayev told parliament : " It is necessary to keep in the constitution references to the moral value of Islam , and no one needs any convincing that in place of a secular state we shall build an Islamic state .
28 He goes on to say that ‘ Bands shall be named Pulp , Suede , The Spangles and the Eight-Track Cartridge Family , and Party organ NME shall lament the demise of the Aztec bar in its pages . ’
29 Example 3:11 Option to renew ( 1 ) The tenant may by notice in writing served not less than six months before the date on which the term hereby granted is expressed to expire call upon the landlord for a further lease of the demised property ( " the further lease " ) provided that up to that date he has paid the rent and reasonably performed and observed his covenants ( 2 ) The further lease shall be for a term of ten years from the said date upon the same terms and conditions as this lease ( save as to rent and as to this option for renewal ) and at a rent to be agreed between the parties or in default of agreement to be determined by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ( 3 ) In determining the rent payable under the further lease the arbitrator shall have the same powers as would be enjoyed by the court determining a rent for the demised property under section 34 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and shall disregard the same matters as are therein specified ( 4 ) This option shall be of no effect if the tenant fails to register it as an estate contract within three months from the date of this lease Example 3:12 Option to renew contracted out tenancy If : ( 1 ) the tenant wishes to take a further tenancy of the demised property for a term of five years from the expiry date of the term hereby created ; and ( 2 ) the tenant gives written notice of his desire to the landlord not more than six nor less than three months before the expiry of the term ; and ( 3 ) up to the date of the notice the tenant has paid the rent and substantially performed his covenants ; and ( 4 ) the tenant joins with the landlord in making an application to the court for an order authorising the exclusion of the provisions of ss24-28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 in relation to the further tenancy ; and ( 5 ) the court makes such an order then the landlord shall let the demised property to the tenant for a term of five years from the expiry of the term hereby created at a rent to be agreed between the parties or in default of agreement to be determined by arbitration and otherwise upon the terms of this lease ( except this option for renewal ) Example 3:13 Clause negativing perpetual renewal Nothing in this clause shall entitle the tenant to renew the tenancy for any term expiring more than twenty years after the beginning of the term of this lease
30 As in previous years we shall conduct a nationwide advertising campaign in the early autumn to encourage people to complete and return the electoral registration form .
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