Example sentences of "getting out of " in BNC.

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1 Once , upon her getting out of the car , they manoeuvred the vehicle so as to trap the field-worker to prevent her accompanying them .
2 Where it is seen by work colleagues to be getting out of kilter , informal controls can be used to restore equilibrium .
3 Getting out of the Agreement
4 There is a connotation to leadership that needs perhaps getting out of the way .
5 Or has this whole summer for Mansell been a fabrication of what he really felt , a means of getting out of his Ferrari contract by saying he was quitting and then holding Williams to ransom after they had backed themselves into a corner ?
6 ( The illustration shows a man getting out of his armchair yelling ‘ Shoot , Man , Shoot ! ’ )
7 It was easy , really , getting out of there — it was just I was confused by it being dark and that .
8 ‘ Some warts are cancerous , ’ Arty said , laying the mirror aside and getting out of bed .
9 For those of us who are spared having to wear a uniform to work , the notion of getting out of bed and putting on exactly the same clothes , every day , is simply too boring to contemplate .
10 Getting Out of the Greenhouse shows that strict economic criteria could be used to modify energy policy to cut Britain 's output of carbon dioxide gases , the biggest contributor to the greenhouse effect .
11 In their generosity , or relief of getting out of the kitchen , they ply me with bag loads of organic vegetables .
12 ‘ People who can must start over Christmas by getting out of their seats and using the switch when they turn off the TV , ’ said FoE energy campaigner , Mr Simon Roberts .
13 ‘ I need some tea and I 've got a thermos here , ’ he announced , getting out of the car without looking at her and opening the back door on his side to find the thermos which he had filled before starting off .
14 Getting out of making pots and pans , says one Corning executive , would be ‘ like cutting 200 umbilical cords . ’
15 When it seemed to be getting out of hand , he insisted that its aim was to improve the system , not to change it .
16 It has asked the Department of Trade and Industry for approval to set up a vehicle to provide names with a way of getting out of open years .
17 Privatization means giving businesses the chance to flourish ; the process of deregulation means the Government getting out of the way .
18 ‘ East Anglia is one layer of clothes colder than the south , ’ remarked Davyd who was getting out of his car , ‘ but look — ’ he pointed at the sky — and there was a rainbow — that magic circumference of the world .
19 A slim , smart , but friendly woman was just getting out of her car and smiled at Jane .
20 ‘ I 'm getting out of here . ’
21 Standing on their hind legs with front paws resting on the deep window sills , they saw Mark getting out of his car and went berserk .
22 They were under no illusions that they could do a better job from Detroit , but they had become increasingly concerned that they were getting out of touch with what was happening around the world , and that the tail was beginning to wag the dog .
23 From now on the locals would do what they were told to do by Detroit , and if they did n't like it they could take the option of either getting out of their own free will , or being booted out .
24 But it is my way of getting out of a sticky situation .
25 There 's a little more freedom and decency ; we do n't have to talk about getting out of Russia any more . ’
26 Or else she and her husband would find some way of getting out of Russia and would share the entrancing hardship of starting afresh in the West .
27 Pedestrians know that runners have a programme to fulfil , and respect it by getting out of their way .
28 ‘ After getting out of the cab , I looked round and saw what looked like a car upside down on fire .
29 Anne was getting out of the conservatory .
30 If the fish did attack and he missed with his spear , Trent knew that his chances of getting out of the water in one piece were nil .
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